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Author's note: the following was a scenario that I was thinking of writing for this fanfiction but ultimately didn't for one reason or another... This was supposed to happen after the destruction of Dominator's ship. End of season 2, basically...

Wander over Yonder Season 3

Dominator was dressed in all orange and sitting in a jail cell. Not out of necessity or of conscious decision but rather as a prisoner. The long, destructive trail she had left in her wake had finally caught up to her and she had been taken in by a newly-formed group named Deterring of Unbecoming Mischief for Corrective Enforcement; DUMCE for short. Her apprehension had taken place not long after her ship and army had been destroyed by Lord Hater.

"Don't worry, Dominator. We're gonna get ya the best criminal defense money can buy" Wander assures standing just outside of Dominator's cell.

"Wander, you're still sticking around?" Dominator asks half amused, half annoyed by the star nomad's persistence.

"Of course I am! I see you need help and I want to help."

"And why are you here?" Dominator asks a Sylvia standing beside Wander.

"I just wanna see ya rotting behind bars" Sylvia says happily.

"Sylvia!" Wander gasps.

"What? She deserves to rot in a cell! She destroyed the galaxy, remember?" Sylvia condemns swiftly.

"Everyone deserves a second chance" Wander says.

"Visiting hours are done" a guard notifies loudly.

Later in the week, Wander shows up again with some not-so-good news.

"Well, I've looked up every law firm in the galaxy and not one wanted to take your case" Wander says.

"Shocking" Dominator responds flatly.

"Not to worry" Wander says pulling a large book out of his hat. "Been studying non-stop for the last couple of days! I shall represent you."

"Oh goody" Dominator deadpans as Wander pulled a suit and tie out of his hat.

-=episode title=-


-=episode title=-

With wrists and ankles chained, Dominator is escorted to the court room by heavily-armed guards, a neatly-dressed Wander sticking close by reviewing several legal documents. She is then seated at the defendant's desk beside Wander with Sourdough and a pair of Beefeaters leading the prosecution at the desk opposite. The jury was a mix of different galactic residents and in the court audience sat Sylvia watching on half rooting for Wander, half rooting for the prosecution.

"All rise" the court bailiff announces as the judge entered to sit at the head of the court room.

Dominator wasn't sure she was seeing things right and rubbed her eyes to make sure. The judge was a giant: tall and imposing but also, atop his shoulders sat two great big butt cheeks. The judge had a butt for a head!

"I-is anyone else seeing this right now?" Dominator asks aloud looking around to find indifferent expressions. She looks at Wander who looked as if restraining an attack of laughter.

"Order! Order! I will have order!" the judge booms hammering away at his desk.

"Oh grop. It talks" Dominator remarks repulsed.

"I will hear no more talking out of turn from you!" the judge complains as Wander grabs gentle hold of Dominator's bicep. "We are here today to ascertain the guilt or innocence of defendant 'Lord Dominator'."

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now