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Author's note: I'm endlessly amused every time General McGuffin (look him up, he's a minor WoY villain) is reduced to a bucket of chicken whenever a mishap befalls him. I recall it happening to him in 'The Battle Royale' and 'My Fair Hatey'.

Wander over Yonder Season 3

No one had seen Hater so enraged. The green electricity that often enveloped his body during combat had never radiated from his body so widely or aggressively before. His hatred for Wander had reached its peak thus he was now chasing Wander wanting nothing more than to see the little orange nomad destroyed. All Hater had to do was get to the irritating little goody two shoes and blast him with his powers until he was no more.

Wander meanwhile was safe for now. Safe in Lord Dominator's protective arms as Dominator fled from the crazed Lord Hater. Running from a fight was not Dominator's style but she was carrying precious cargo, cargo too dear to her to risk in a fight. A fighting retreat was her best option, her arm firing magma and ice projectiles at the crazed Hater.

Hater brushed off Dominator's projectiles like a charging rhino would brush off pebbles chucked at its charging horn.

"Go sir! Go!" Peepers cheered from within the Doom Moon.

"Do it Hataa!" Little Bits cheers on. "Put an end to Dominataa!"

"Hater, if you pull this off" Sourdough offers, "if you manage to destroy Dominator then I swear I'll never call you an imbecile ever again!"

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The Doom Moon was still blasting away at the Dommech keeping it pinned down so the Dommech was unable to aid Dominator in fighting Hater but just the same, the Doom Moon was too busy keeping the Dommech pinned to be able to aid Hater. This left Dominator and Hater to face off one-on-one.

"Dominator, what do we do?" Wander asks his protector as both fled their pursuer.

Dominator looks back at Hater who was not far behind. For whatever reason, Hater was no longer firing any projectiles meaning fooling him into attacking the Doom Moon didn't seem possible anymore.

"We gotta try to find a weakness" Dominator answers. "I really don't like the look of that electricity. I don't want him getting close" she says before blasting rock needles Hater's way.

"GGRRRRRRRRR" Hater growls as he smacks the needles away.

Dominator then shoots hot magma at Hater but the green electricity seems to repel the molten magma to some degree.

"WWAANNDDEERRRR!" Hater shouts.

"He's after me, not you" Wander points out.

"Yeah well I'm not letting him get to you" Dominator makes clear. "We're going to kick these villains off of this planet one way or another!"

"My heroine!" Wander compliments, stars in his eyes.

"You're welcome" Dominator replies. "...Hey, where's Sylvia? And Beep Boop?" the green villainess asks looking around.

"I don't know" Wander admits joining Dominator in her search.

"Augh!" Hater lets out in pain suddenly.

To the surprise of many, Red Thunder had suddenly showed up and blasted away at Hater's exposed back.

"Red Thunder!?" Wander and Dominator gasp.

"Almost right" Sylvia's voice radios into Dominator's helmet.

"Sylvia!" Wander and Dominator both exclaim in surprise.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now