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Wander over Yonder Season 3

"Dominator pregnant again!", "Wander and Dominator expecting again!", "Fourth child on the way!", "It's a girl!", "Bellatrix, 'Bella', is born to everyone's favorite family!", "Exclusive photos of the newest WanDom baby!", "Bella skyrockets to the number 1 spot of 'Cutest in the Galaxy!'"

The galaxy was abuzz with news of Dominator's fourth pregnancy. The thrill only intensified after Dominator gave birth to a little baby girl who had Wander's spoon shape and fur, was a light cream yellow color, and had Dominator's red sclera.

"Baby Cakes no longer the cutest in the galaxy!", "Move over, kitty! There's a new adorableness on the scene!", "Everyone goes gaga for Bella. Baby Cakes forgotten!"

A magazine celebrating the delivery of the latest WanDom member, one among many, is torn to shreds suddenly by the kitten that was growing sick and tired of the coverage.

"Bewwa! BEWWA!?" the villainous kitty, Little Bits, shrieks angrily. "Cutest in the gawaxy!? Cuter than me!? Impossible!"

"Hey! Keep it down in there" the prison guard disciplines looking into the holding cell Little Bits was imprisoned in.

Bitterly, Little Bits quiets down but not before hissing at the guard. The guard moves on shortly after.

Curled up in her bunk bed, Little Bits sits plotting her escape.

"Hey, you want your pillow?" Little Bits's cellmate, Brad Starlight, asks from top bunk.

Wordlessly, Little Bits tosses the pillow up at Brad.

"Haha! Finders, keepers!" Brad celebrates now having two pillows.

Little Bits grimaces inwardly. "Hey. Imbecile. You don't want to stay in here fowever, do you?"

"Stay in here forever?" Brad repeats. "Judge gave me six months. How many months did you get?"

"Three months await me" she admits, "but I can't stand it in here anymoa. Let's break out together!"

"Break out? What for?" Brad asks.

"What foa? What foa!?" Little Bits raises her voice.

"Only six months left" Brad shrugs.

Irked, Little Bits hops up to the top bunk and stares deep into Brad's eyes with her tear-filled eyes of hypnosis.

"Hey, what are you crying for?" Brad asks. "It's only a few months."

"Why aren't you hypnotized!?" the kitten hisses attempting to thrash the thick-headed Brad by his orange prison uniform.

"Hypnotized? Why would I be hypnotized?" Brad asks puzzled.

"Nevermind!" Little Bits scolds thinking perhaps Brad was too stupid for hypnosis. "You wanna make biwwions of dollars?"

"Biwwions? That a new number?" Brad asks.

"B-billions of dollars" Little Bits slows down to help her pronunciation.

"Billions of dollars!? Now you're talking my language!" Brad says greedily. "Let's do it!"

"Excewwent!" Little Bits lauds. "I have an accompwice awwiving any minute now! I'll just need you to-"

"Need me to what?"

"U-undo that waatch..." Little Bits says sounding somewhat embarrassed.

"Watch? What watch?"

"Waatch! That Waatch!" Little Bits shouts pointing to a window latch.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now