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Wander over Yonder Season 3

Beeza and the peaceful people she lead were petite blue aliens with white irises and black sclera and were commonly known as Leisurians. The Leisurians dedicated themselves to providing rest and relaxation for weary travelers and as travelers, Wander and Sylvia benefited from this service one day before a giant dog named 'Buster' attacked Beeza's home planet. With Wander and Sylvia's help, Buster's fur would eventually become home to Beeza and her Leisurians.

On another day, this same dog would pay a visit to Gardenia in the skies of which it could be seen scratching and biting at his fur. During this visit, The Leisurians descended down to the surface where they enjoyed the peace and quiet of Gardenia and quickly made friends with Citrus and Blossom who sensed no danger from the visitors. At the same time, Beeza meets with Wander, Sylvia, and a few of the many, many Dombots that watched over the planet.

"Beeza! How have you been?" Wander asked happily with Sylvia by his side.

"We have been swell. Especially after the taming of Buster" Beeza reveals with pride.

"Thank goodness. Don't want him attacking Gardenia" Sylvia remarks.

"Indeed. Now dear Wander, if it's not too much trouble, we come seeking your help" Beeza asked bowing respectfully.

"Helping folks is my middle name! What seems to be the problem?" Wander asked eager to lend a hand.

"I think the problem is pretty obvious" Sylvia intercepts. "Buster's got fleas?"

"I am afraid Buster has fleas" Beeza confirms under sounds of Buster whining and scratching away.

"Ooh, we had a bit of a problem like that ourselves not too long ago" Sylvia recalls.

"And we had just the solution to the problem! Anti-flea shampoo" Wander says pulling out a bottle out of his hat and handing it to Beeza.

Beeza looks at the bottle and then up at Buster.

"I think Buster's gonna need more than one bottle" Sylvia points out.

"Not a problem" Wander says reaching into his hat to pull out many more bottles. Then Buster is lead to a wide river where many Dombots get to work: armed with brushes, the Dombots lathered and scrubbed at Buster's fur as many Leisurians admired from afar.

Then Dominator descends from The Domship to observe Buster being bathed in the river.

"Hey Dee" Sylvia greets approaching. "Done fixing up Dombots?"

"For now" Dominator updates. "I'm seeing a giant dog being bathed in a river. Something I should know about?"

"Bit of a long story" Sylvia answers before giving Dominator a swift history lesson. Wander then notices Dominator and is quick to approach with Beeza following.

"Dee!" Wander lets out. "Dee, this is Beeza. Beeza, this is Dee."

"Wander has told me of you. A pleasure to finally meet you" Beeza says bowing.

"Likewise" Dominator bows back. "I understand Wander helped you with this giant dog here?"

"Indeed he did. We are forever in his debt" Beeza confirms.

"Never hurts to help" Wander announces proudly.

"And I understand Wander helped you with a reformation of sorts?" Beeza asks.

"You could say that" Dominator responds not fond of recalling what she used to be. "You could say Wander saved my life" she adds while Wander walks up to Dominator to grasp her hand gently.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now