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Wander over Yonder Season 3

On the planet of Rena, not long after Dominator's cruel betrayal, Wander and Sylvia were recovering at a pastry restaurant. Wander had gotten himself a triple pickle cream pie and Sylvia a jellyfish pie and both were enjoying the current planet's star sinking below the horizon.

Sylvia sighs, both she and Wander seated at a table with a great view of a wide coastline.

"Y'know, sometimes it's the simple things in life that are the most valuable" Sylvia remarks before spooning another portion of pie into her mouth.

"Like time spent with friends?" Wander guesses wisely.

"Exactly buddy! Cheers!" Sylvia says, the two toasting with milk-filled wine glasses.

"Have you two found all to your liking?" a waiter shaped like a jelly bean with arms and legs asked.

"All has been excellent, thank you" Sylvia replies.

"Very good. Please don't hesitate if in need of assistance" the waiter says before moving on.

"So what are you hoping to do next?" Sylvia asks Wander.

"Rena is famous for its waterparks" Wander informs. "Was thinking about going for a dip."

"Waterparks? You mean like with long water slides and water gun fights?" Sylvia asks.

"And big tidal wave simulator?" Wander speculates excitedly. "And water balloon fights?"

"Water balloon fights! Oooh! Count me in!" Sylvia says almost hyping herself up. "But it's night right now so gonna have to wait 'til morning."

"Fair enough" Wander says and the two finished their pies.

The next morning, Wander was readying himself for water-splashing fun: goggles, snorkel, flippers, and more were packed into his hat while Sylvia was just glad to see Wander doing something that helped get his mind off of Dominator's betrayal.

"So what do you wanna do first once we get there?" Sylvia asks as the two set off.

"I wanna try the soaker karts!" Wander answers.

"Soaker karts? That like bumper karts?" Sylvia asks.

"Like bumper karts but with tons of water splashing about" Wander explains.

"That sounds like big-time fun!" Sylvia acclaims. "Cannot wait."

Meanwhile, high above the skies of Rena, Hater's Skull Ship was spying on Wander and Sylvia using a giant telescope.

"Dohoho! Hohohoho!" Hater chortled nefariously from inside the Skull Ship's command room. "Awww! No Dominator? What happened? Did you three break up!? No more fwieendshiip? Wahahahahaha!"

"You waste too much time on that Wander, sir" Peepers speaks up.

"Yes well every great villain has to have a nemesis or two and Wander just so happens to be my nemesis" Hater explains.

"No, they don't. And why him of all people!?" Peepers demands.

"Because he wrecked our Skull Cruiser and corrupted Major Threat and is always ruining my plans!" Hater says. "But now that he's failed, now is the time to rub his failure right in his face!" he schemes rubbing his palms.

Peepers wanted to argue that Hater's obsession was what constantly ruined his plans but in no mood to bicker, he holds back some. "We're going to be conquering this planet, right sir?"

"Yeah yeah yeah" Hater answers swiftly. He then has his Watchdog armies assembled before him. "Watchdogs!" he shouts. "Before us is a great mission! Wander has failed in his fwieeendshiiip~ gesture towards Dominator! Now's the time to strike! Strike at Wander's very heart!"

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now