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Wander over Yonder Season 3

"Wahahahahaha!" Lord Hater laughed while planting his flag of conquest into a rocky planet. "Another planet for Lord Hater! Greatest conqueror in the galaxy!"

"Hate's great! Best villain! Hate's great! Best villain! Hate's great! Best villain!" Hater's Watchdog armies all chant.

"Excellent job sir!" Commander Peepers praises. "Another planet for the leaderboards!" Peepers says tapping at a computer tablet. "Sir, what monument would you like to see raised to commemorate this new acquisition?"

"Hmmm" Lord Hater ponders, "what are my options again?"

At once, Commander Peepers's tablet generates monument holograms one at a time.

"Sir, in the first statue option, we have you flexing a bicep" Peepers says.

"Hmm, I used that one a lot already" Hater answers. "And the bicep's too small. Totally inaccurate."

"For the next one, we have you blasting Wander with your powers. The look of anguish on Wander is especially good! This other one has you raising a flag of conquest up on a hill."

"The one with me blasting Wander is so good! Very tempting and satisfying!" Hater praises. "Next ones?"

"Next one is you planting your foot atop the galaxy" Peepers says.

"Ooh, that's another great one but show me more, I want to consider all" Hater asks.

"A statue of Lord Dominator waving the white flag of surrender your way" Peepers describes.

"Oooh hohohohohahaha! Love that one!" Hater says. "I've decided! Let's do that one!"

"Right away sir" Peepers agrees and at once, Hater's Skull Ship above drops a giant concrete block on the ground and several Watchdogs start to chisel away at it. What remained once the dust had cleared was a statue of an armored Dominator on one hand and knees waving a white flag before a triumphant-looking Hater.

"Wahahahahahahaha! Yes, Dominator bows in surrender to me! Lord Hater!" Hater mocks. "Yeah, you wave that white flag! Dominator or should I say Loseinator!? Wahahahahahaha!"

"...He's just asking for it at this point" a random Watchdog in Hater's armies whispers towards another one.

"Hey hey! I am not this fat!" Hater says of his sculpture.

"What? Your sculpture's stomach is totally flat!" Peepers counters.

"Give me six pack abs! I want abs!"

"But sir, you're bones under that robe" Peepers points out.

"I don't care! I want abs!" Hater demands with a pout. Peepers rolls his eye while Watchdogs heed Hater's request.

"Now it's perfect!" Hater lauds admiring the physique of his sculpture. "Well yeah, this is some fine work everyone. Whatever did happen to that Dominator chick anyways?"

"Last we dealt with her, she was hanging out with Wander and Sylvia" Peepers recalls.

"Bahahahaha!" Hater laughs. "Could you imagine? Being at the top of the leaderboards, missing out on the once-in-a-lifetime chance to go out with me, and then falling so low that she ends up spending time with those two annoying goody two shoes? Ahahahaha! Oh to see the look on her face right this moment. Gahahahahahaha!"

Just then, a ground-shattering impact lands atop Hater's sculpture right behind him kicking up great amounts of shattered statue and concrete dust.

"...That was her just now wasn't it?" Hater asks as the kicked-up debris dissipated.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now