Chapter 3 - Assist

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"Knox Davis and Tania Olive, come to the office now!"

The pin-drop silence of the class is interrupted by the loud announcement of Ms. M, the secretary of this school.

Everyone's attention was focused on the radio that was placed in the side left corner of the whiteboard.

After registering who was being called, I furrowed my eyebrows curiously.


I turned to Mr. Ankler, who was obviously telling me to stand up and go.

But I didn't move an inch, causing my classmates to look in my direction. Like me, they're confused about why I'm being called into the office.

"You're excused now, Knox," Mr. Ankler said, giving me the assurance to go and find out why the sudden call came.

As far as I know, I didn't do anything wrong to be called into the principal's office.

I hear some mutterings within the class, wondering why the top-class achiever, or simply the nerd, was summoned to the office.

I sighed deeply and stood up while fixing my glasses.

I went out and saw Tania, my cousin, leaning on the opposite wall, waiting for me.

"What is happening?"

I only gave her a shrug as we walked side by side.

"Did you know what's going on?" she asked again, anxiously.

"I have no idea, but one thing is for sure: this must be important," I told her as we hurriedly walked down the stairs.

She groaned. "I'm having my trigo quiz; I passed my sheet with only half of my answers, and Mrs. Quin said that I'd resume it later. Surely what in the world is the secretary thinking?"

"We are excused," I assured her.

We reached the office in no time and walked inside after knocking; four pairs of eyes were thrown in our direction in an instant.

Ms. Gavin, our principal, is sitting in her usual chair with a hard glass print on her title from the mahogany desk.

Sitting on the sofa is our secretary, Ms. M, showing her signature perky smile and the other two unfamiliar pairs of eyes, boring at us blankly.

"Thank you for coming to this urgent matter. Sit over here," Ms. M called cheerfully.

Tania and I followed her and situated ourselves opposite the two new kids, I guess.

After seeing that we were ready to hear why we'd been called to come here, Ms. Gavin cleared her throat before speaking. "Meet the Tierez twins; I want you two to assist them," she said casually.

I was taken aback.

"They are new here, so I want you to help them adjust for a while."

She really called us just to say this in the middle of our class? And why us?

Perhaps because we are scholars here, that's why. Note the sarcasm.

"So it's settled. From now on, you will assist them in this school, help them to cope, and make them feel welcomed!" Ms. Gavin exclaimed.

"So we can rest then?" suddenly asked the girl.

I watched how her twin gave a mischievous smile. "Si."

Ms. M hesitated for a second but closed her mouth when the boy stood up and said. "Since everything is clear, then it's time for us to retreat to our room."

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