Chapter 7 - She Likes You

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I was walking out of the room while adjusting my blazer when I heard faint voices in the living room.

I glance at my wristwatch. We have fifteen minutes to go before our first subject, social science, starts.

Reaching the living area, I saw Seth fixing his bag while talking to someone on his phone.

I quietly sat on the couch, watching him do what dad instructed us to do before we came here.

"Understood," he ended before facing me. "Ready?"

"Yeah," I answered excitedly.

He locked the door, and we walked side by side.

Then we saw our neighbors' doors open; students flooded the hall, but not before sparing us with wondering looks.

We walk along while memorizing their faces and depicting stares.

Riding the elevator, one girl on Seth's side could not hold her curiosity any longer and asked. "You must be the transferee."

"Yeah," Seth calmly answered while looking ahead.

She bobbed her head while smiling widely. "Great! I'm Darcy Holt, two rooms away from yours."

The elevator stopped on the second floor to load. Another two swarmed inside, causing us to back away.

One brunette and one with curly hair.

"Morning, fellas!" the brunette greeted us. A series of mornings passed everyone's lips, and suddenly she gawked in a split second. "You must be the new ones above."

"Yeah." This time I answered.

She faces us fully, then introduces herself. "I'm Karla Larkson, daughter of Aldwin Larkson."

I cringed, noticing how she emphasized her last name.

The last ding happened as the door swiped open to unload, saving me from replying, although I plan not to.

Seth and I let them go out first. But as soon as we came out, the brunette was patiently waiting for us.

Seth growled softly.

"I didn't catch your names."

I glanced at my wristwatch. Riding the elevator cost us a few a few minutes. If we stop and talk to this girl, another minute will be wasted, leaving us only a few minutes to spare for walking towards our room.

Seth grabbed my hand to continue our walk. "It's Sade and Seth, Miss Sonlark. Now we will be catching our first subject, if you don't mind."

She gasped in surprise, then yelled angrily. "It's Larkson!"

We bypassed her and walked fast. It's not good for our reports if we happen to be late on our first day, right?

I heard that detention is such a pain.

Suddenly, someone calls out to our right.

"Hey," Tania greeted.

Knox stood flushed beside her, fixing his clouded glasses. I lost myself for a second, mesmerized by how beautiful his eyes are and those long and thick eyelashes.

"We need to keep moving or else we'll be late for our first subject," Seth said, concern evident in his tone.

I hummed.

We walk side by side. Knox is beside me while carefully wiping his sweat from his forehead with his hands.

I snorted. How unaware he was that he was doing that. I absentmindedly handed my handkerchief to him.

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