Chapter 24 - Tic-tac-toe

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"Please, I'm begging you to kindly delete them." I pleaded for the hundredth time or so.

I can feel my body becoming numb from helplessness and defeat while trying to take her attention back to me as she leans against the bathroom's tiled wall, phone in hand.

She laughed at my state while waving her phone. "Finish my homework first."

"I will, I promise." I begged even more while standing in front of her.

"Okay!" she giggled and swayed past me.

That's her last straw—my defeat.

It's my photo with Troy, and this is the fifth time she's used that, effectively using it as blackmail.

She actually dragged me here to make some deals in the girl's bathroom, and like the fool I am, I agreed again.

And again on the next day. She said she'd delete it after, but up until now, nothing has happened at all.

After a few months, I heard that Troy had filed for a transfer to another school. One of his closest friends told me before he left.

After a year, the blackmailing becomes a part of my life. Berely keeps asking me to do everything.

I just do it without hesitation or question, or she will post it.

As expected from my cousin, Knox learns about it after a year or two and encourages me to tell Ms. Gavin, but she only gave us a helpless shrug.

I admit they actually talked with Berely about eradicating those, and she promised she would. But she's a devil clothed in human form. She saved a copy, and now she is still using it on me.

I am dying to transfer out, but if I do, Knox will not give a second thought to joining me, and I won't do that. Never.

His parents' dream is for him to study here, and I won't take that away.

I'm not heartless.

And he is one of the top students here. I will not drag him down just because of my foolishness.

"Let's go," Alicia mumbled, snapping me from my line of thought.

I nodded, and we followed Seth and Hayden out of the room. Someone bumped into me, but I ignored the pain and hurriedly walked beside Seth, who was smirking with Hayden.

They successfully plugged in those drives as we planned last night.

"So the plan is, we are going to plug one drive from Damien and one from Berely's." Sade starts to tell us about the plan. "So that we can access their files and I can delete them. We need to do it manually because I'm not good enough to breach their security."

"But how can we do that?" Alicia asked curiously.

Seth smirked and was very determined. "We need fast hands."

Everyone went silent until Hayden leaned forward. "I'm not a certified robber like you two, but I can wave my hand like a magician for a few seconds."

The twins only saluted and softly chuckled.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Alicia inquired cautiously, ignoring his joke.

He only nodded, confident. "I can."

"Remember, it's a one-time thing, one mistake, then mission failed, no de novo," Sade was seriously reminded.

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