Chapter 47 - You Bet

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"PRESENTING THE LION CHEERLEADERS! Let's hear them roar, boys and girls!" the presenter's voice announced.

The roar of the crowds was deafening. For the moment, I turned my head my eyes running over the crowd that filled the stadium in search of my twin's team.

"ARE YOU GUYS READY?" our school's head cheerleader screamed.

The left part of the stadium where we are sitting screams as loud as they can.

I covered my ears when the routine started. Cheerleaders floated in the air, golden ponytails swaying in the wind and pom poms in their hands.

They did some perfect somersaults and landing twists, but none of them appealed me.

"It's been thirty minutes." I groaned.

Alicia, who's sharing the same grief, leaned on her side besides me. "Maybe they were caught in crowd traffic at the entrance."

Knox and Tania left to buy some snacks in front of the stadium where food kiosks are placed, but thirty minutes had already passed and they weren't back yet.

Today is the second game against the other school's team and we are here in their stadium.

I really hate this kind of event but for the sake of supporting my twin and Hayden's game, I must endure. However, it is becoming more and more hell when the second subject of my irritation is taking his eternity to come back.

The screaming resurfaced again, but I'm not paying attention. I hastily grabbed my phone and called him.

"Answer your damn phone, idiot." I hissed when the first ring went unanswered.

"Calm down." Alicia softly whispered near my ear but I scowled and kept tapping my phone in irritation.

The screaming doubled when the announcer's voice spoke through the microphone at the start of the game.

The right part of the stadium screams louder than the left, of course because it's their home court.

We are just the guests here and I guessed one third of this school's population were required to watch against us volunteers who only took six buses in all, not even close to one-eighth of our school's population.

My mind ran through what happened at the start of the week. Seth managed to join the football team after his tryouts. Hayden and Alicia slipped that they're in a relationship when they asked me what Knox and I talked about.

Meanwhile as Knox stated he attempted to pursue me and while it may sound cliche I must admit that I am enjoying every minute of it.

Tania and Alicia actually lend me their romance books even though I am not interested in them.

One time, my curiosity peeked so I flipped one and tried reading but halfway through the first chapter I threw it away in disgust, accidentally hitting Seth's face.

It took me a lot of convincing before he finally forgave me.

It's unreadable on my part and I am not that stupid to read those just to act like a lovesick puppy. It's not my genre, so you can't blame me.

Everyone has one or two genres they aren't fond of, they like them but aren't totally fans.

Suddenly, a familiar scent of citrus hit my nose and a shadow fell over me but I remained staring at the center field.

"I'm sorry." Knox apologized after sitting on my right.

I heard Alicia asked Tania why they took so long but I didn't mind it. I stuck on watching the game.

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