Chapter 32 - Career Day Part. 2

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"Damn it!" I cursed as I ended up in a clear area of the first building pathway.

I turn my eyes around, but he is nowhere in sight.

"I lost him!" Sade exclaimed breathily.

"Ditto." I pressed my phone and guiltily replied.

I tried to catch my breath after the long run. Sade and I separated to trap him at the building intersection, but he knew the school's map very well compared to us.

He escaped without a trace.

"Brother!" Sade shouted while holding her chest from exertion.

She ran towards me and clung to my arm for support.

I straighten up and look around. "He's gone."

"He saw us following him," she said, still catching her breath.

I pulled my hair in frustration. "I should've believed you yesterday."

She squinted her eyes at me and sternly replied. "We have no time for this. Let's see what happened there."

I nodded, and we began running again.

I noticed that we reached the furthest part of the campus; no one was outside except us.

While following the guards earlier, we saw every teacher lead the students inside the classroom in a hurry. Some even tried to catch us, but we ran past them and ignored their calls.

It seems like they are keeping the students safe from the shooting earlier.

"I wonder who got shot," I said as we turned around the corner.

My feet are starting to feel numb from exhaustion. Same with my twin, who keeps puffing air from the heat and tiredness.

"I hope it wasn't dad or Stan," she said anxiously.

I looked at her. She was sweating very hard, and she kept huffing in exertion.

It's like we just ran a marathon and are going back for another. She's not prone to running several miles away. She can run extra miles, but not too far because her stamina is not very good.

So her trump card is her brain, while I'm more built into physical activity than she is.

"Go back to Knox; let me do this." I told her worriedly, but she only glared at me.

"And you missed the fun? No way," she insisted coldly. "Besides, he hates me right now."

I sighed. "They didn't admit it, but we really did mess up."

She sighed as well.

When we turned around the corner, we almost bumped into the armored men who raised their guns on us in no time, but they put those down after recognizing us as students here.


His cold eyes sneered at us in anger.

I pulled Sade to my side and was about to speak, but the man in front signaled the two men behind him to hold us.


"What is this? Take all the civilians away and keep moving!" another group of armored men came behind, probably the one who is in charge shouting with the utmost authority.

He put his radio near his mouth and barked multiple orders from the other line.

The group divided and ran towards the place we ran off to earlier. Then another group of men in black suits while wearing FBI bulletproof vests run up to him, and they move so fast after a short nod.

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