Chapter 25 - What Club?

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"Cheers!" Hayden toasted his bottled water in the air while drawing the attention of those nearby.

We all laughed when the twins toasted their own bottles too.

It's lunchtime, and we are sitting at our usual table. Well, humans are creatures of habit. This table has already become our reserved place.

In my five years of studying here, my usual place to eat and hang out was the library.

"Now you can provoke them anytime," Sade teases Tania, then they share a laugh.

Alicia leaned forward and joined. "Let's pull some pranks."

Seth and Hayden gave me a knowing look, but I only shrugged as the three of them whispered to each other about which prank was the best.

I heard Alicia suggest all about pouring a bucket of paint in Berely's hair while Sade said something about twisting her fingers tonight-well, that's not a prank anymore, though.

"What if we do what she did?" Seth suggested while chewing, which didn't go unnoticed by his twin's eyes.

Sade flashed him a disgusted look.

"Her and Damien?" Hayden asked, grinning, all up for it.

Sade snorted beside me. "You are leveling yourselves with them pathetic."

Seth burst out laughing, drawing more attention to us. "We are just kidding; you're so serious."

She pushed her plate away, leaning back, and crossed her arms while we continued eating our food.

We heard some laughing near the door. As expected, it was Damien's group that was still oblivious to what happened earlier.

I noticed Remi's stolen glances at me. Sade also noticed but shrugged it away when I remained ignorant of her affection.

Until now, Tania has looked grateful for us helping her out, although I didn't help that much. But I'm glad it's all over now; she won't worry about those photos.

Berely can't blackmail her anymore, and it's a relief.

After eating, we left the cafeteria and went to the locker room, where our running shoes and PE uniforms are stored.

Since we had the same schedule today, we went together.

"See you in the field." Alicia and Tania dragged Sade into the female locker room, but not before insisting that it's way too early to change.

She had a point, though. We still have thirty minutes before PE starts.

While changing into my PE pants, I remembered something. I hurriedly changed and went out of the cubicle, locating where Seth was.

"Hey Seth, did you and Sade already decide which club you'll join?" I asked him as he sat down on the long bench while lacing his shoes.

I opened my locker and put my used uniform inside.

Hayden gasped while putting his shoes in his locker near mine.

"Right, did you?"

Seth looked at us curiously and halted lacing his shoes. "Club?"

Hayden and I shared a troubled look.

"What club? Are you referring to our last subject today?" he asked, clearly clueless about it.

Did Ms. Gavin explain it to them?

"That means you didn't," Hayden concluded while sitting beside him and wearing his shoes.

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