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◑●●When their dad gave them a week of drill after solving the almost assassination.◑●●

"So what is our winning percentage?" Seth asked as we pushed forward down the stairs.

I can't control the laughter that escapes me. "Zero."


We stopped at the landing to survey the area before pushing in, bent and alert. Adrenaline rushes as we calculate our steps. Then I hear him groan a string of profanities.

I struggle to control my laughter when he almost trips.

The glare he sent me was enough to make me burst into a fit of laughter.

"If we're not against dad and Stan, I probably left you defenseless." he gritted after opening the door for us.


He huffed, directing his frustration towards me. "I really hate this kind of drill! No comm set and no single weapon. Just face-to-face combat. How can we win against those two?"

I shrugged as I slumped on the ground. "Brains."

I checked the perimeters once again before redoing my ponytails. Today is our last drill. In a fight, Seth and I were against my father and brother Stan.

We are here in the house as the main scene. It's been four minutes now since dad started his countdown. He only gave us twenty minutes to run the mission.

If we fail, another set of drills will be held and this time it will be a lot harder because he'll let his men be involved and it's exciting.

Seth and I can't afford to lose today. We only won one drill out of the six drills.

"They are probably waiting inside the family pool. Ample space and an ideal location for a battle." Seth said as he joined me on the floor.

"Slippery." I added in case he was forgetting about it.

"Exciting," he grinned. "So what is the plan? One on one?"

"You don't have a chance." I remembered while rubbing my arms to ease my nerves. "Two on one is not ideal either. One of them will probably deal with one of us. It's inevitable and a complete defeat."

He sighed heavily. "So how can we use our brains to win?"

I click my tongue, staring at him. "Accept defeat."

We shared a loud laugh, not caring if they heard us. Then, we listen to any possible sounds coming from here on the second floor. But nothing, I sigh deeply and close my eyes.

"Really? You serious?"

I hummed, dejectedly. "There's no point in fighting when we've already lost before it started."

"I never pegged you to be this coward."

"Realistic." I corrected, hating how my plans I tried to formulate inside my head ended in a bullseye.

No matter where I weigh my plans, there's no chance to win and dad knows that. He is just testing our perseverance. Everything in me is willing to accept defeat.

Why bother pushing through if there's no way to fight anymore?

You might be asking, then why did he set this drill when he knew what was going to happen in the first place? Because for him, it's a hard drill but a simple test.

Whether we pathetically accept defeat or foolishly push forward. Neither option is ideal, but both are appealing.

He wanted to know what we were going to choose. Right now Seth knows what I am trying to imply, what my choice will be.

The Tierez Twins [Completed]✔Where stories live. Discover now