Chapter 40 - Take A Risk

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"Tell me about yourself."

That one line brought me back to reality as I kept mulling over my stupidity.

I am sitting in the chair of their study table between their beds, trying to calm myself. I dare not disrupt their privacy.

When we entered their bedroom, she jumped on her bed tiredly, and I thought she was asleep. This leaves me quietly staring at their pictures on the walls for several minutes now.

"Why?" I asked, turning the chair to face her.

"I want to know you," she simply answered, as if it were the stupidest question she had heard so far.

Clearly, watching a movie is more appealing than knowing me. I am just me; there is nothing to be amazed about.

"I'm not interesting enough to satisfy your boredom." I grinned while locking her eyes on mine.

She rolled on her back and chuckled. "How about some secrets, then?"

"Besides having a secret box filled with chocolates under my bed, nothing else."

She gasped in shock. "Why would you hide chocolates under your bed?" Her voice was masked with amusement that I clearly imagined she'd show.

"My mom hates it when I eat a lot of sweets. She's very health-conscious," I answered, reminding me of the day when my mom scolded me for sneaking two boxes of chocolates inside my closet. "But that was back then."


"But boring," I softly said.

"This is better than watching some lame movies; it's screaming here and there. The main character is always a curious cat that starts everything. It portrays fear and cowardice. Who has the right mind to open a door when a red sign says don't open?"

I smiled, understanding where she was coming from. "It's taking a risk."

She snorted. "Curiosity always kills the cat, and I hate to take the risk."

"I noticed."

She shrugged and switched positions, now lying on her side while hugging her red pillow.

"This is not about me. Tell me about yourself, Knox."

I deeply sighed. "You probably searched for me already."

Her smile became wider, like I had perfectly uncovered something about her.

"Yeah, but only who you are biologically, where you live, and more on the exterior aspect. I want to know about what you like, memories, everything."

I want to ask her where this idea came from and why she suddenly wanted to know this sort of thing, but I know her answer might surprise or, worse, embarrass me again.

She is way too straightforward and blunt.

I stared at her for a long time, contemplating whether it was a good idea to tell her or not.

After a few moments, I urged, "Then ask."

She sat abruptly while hugging her pillow and facing me, her smile apparent from excitement.

"What defines you are your likes and dislikes."

I grinned. "Let's do the exchange. You also answer what you ask me."

She looked surprised, but she recovered instantly. "Sure thing."

I swallowed first before speaking. "I love reading, and you already know that. I like reading all about real-life-based stories. I like dogs more than cats and like writing."

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