Chapter 8 - Are you blind

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A vibration in my pants pocket slowed my step as we descended to our next subject history, which was located in the adjacent building.

I take out my phone to see a text from Tania, saying she is already in our next subject.

We have the same history, and after seeing Sade's schedule, that makes us three together.

I wonder if Seth has the same thing too.

"We have Mrs. Barne next. What's yours?" I asked him.

"Then that makes us four," he said, smiling.

As we made our way towards the ground floor of the building, I noticed that almost everyone was watching the twins' movements as we bypassed them.

We came inside our room and immediately saw Tania waving. Our classmates aren't here yet. No wonder, since it is history, not all are interested, as they often imply.

And not to mention Mrs. Barne, our teacher, who talks and talks, not realizing her students are bored for a half-hour-long lecture.

"Sorry if I didn't wait for you. Our class earlier was next to each other, but Mrs. Quin dismissed us early after giving our test results," she apologized, standing in front of the two.

"No worries," Seth said, and we settled ourselves in the middle.

"It seems like our historian is three minutes late, and where are the others?" Sade asked besides me.

Seth leaned closer to her. "A history teacher is not the same as a historian."

"She tells history, so she is a historian," she argued.

He only hummed, and they became quiet after that.

After awhile, students entered the room, brooding. You can see their faces wanting to go anywhere, not just here.

And there's Mrs. Barne, wearing her signature confident smile.

Putting her bags and papers on the desk, she scanned the room and asked. "Where are they? The Tierez?"

I heard their chorused groans and the forced raising of their hands.

"Come here, introduce yourselves," Mrs. Barne said.

They robotically go in front.

"I want it in a more detailed way, and it will become your memories," Mrs. Barne ordered, smiling while staring at them with an authoritative look. "Because everything becomes your history."



"Begin," this bossy historian ordered us.

What did she mean in a detailed way?

I scoffed mentally. Seth grinned beside me, who shared the same thoughts while flashing a fake smile.

He cleared his throat. "So some of you here already knew us, but for the sake of memories, Mrs. Barne emphasizes, I'm Seth and this is Sade. As you can see, we were homeschooled since. This is our first time studying with everyone, therefore we're looking forward to working with you."

Mrs. Barne furrowed her eyebrows at his last statement. "This is not some kind of business to do with Mr. Tierez."

"Does it sound like that? I guess it came out wrong then."

Mrs. Barne spared me a short glance and said, "Next you."

Rolling my eyes, I stepped up and spoke. "Same as Seth, so yeah, nice meeting you all."

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