Chapter 43 - Choice

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It's been five days since we came home. And during these days, our dad and Stan kept bypassing us when they went in and out of the house.

They take breakfast first because they are working early. During lunch it's just me and Sade but for dinner, we eat together.

Still, we aren't talking that much as if they're saving the talk for the perfect time.

The day we left Monte Alberti was also the day when the news came out of Mr. Martin's arrest. However, that incident was made classified and its further details weren't broadcast in order to protect the government's safety.

All that was said Mr. Martin would be imprisoned when proven guilty after the trials. Truth to be told, the next day it happened and that's where the case ended but only for the public eye.

In these five days, Sade and I knew that the government and National Security were running different procedures to solve the crime in the most vigilant way.

Thus, updating security, levelling the clearing operations, eliminating any sliver of detriment for any aspect, publicity of involvement, and other angles that may not cause or cause obstruction for the government.

Hence, Stan and our dad are too busy to even address us.

"Your move?" Sade asked when I took a long time for my turn.

We are playing chess here on the balcony while sitting on the floor with our PJ's.

I smirked and was about to checkmate her king when I saw her pawn and bishop's bait, waiting to kill my queen.

"Nicely played, but not enough to budge me."

"Let's see 'bout that." she said when I withdraw my queen.

We chuckle and continue the game.

She leaned her back on the vertical rails and thought about her next move. It's a windy night, so we are wearing our thick cardigans over our PJ's.

"The class will resume the next day." I stated, starting a conversation.

"I know."

I observed her face and asked afterwards. "Are you going to tell him you can't make it?"

She shuddered from the cold, her eyes lowered while staring at the board. "Make it what?"

I smirked. "I mean, you won't be coming back."

This time she raised her head to look at me. "Your phrasing is not appropriate for the question you wanted to ask or are you just making fun of me?"

"Not intended, but really, are you going to inform him? Tell him?"

"Let him wonder."

I chuckle as she smirks in response to my question. She finally advanced her queen and crossed her arms like she was saying, "You're dead."

Well, let's see about that. I forwarded my queen too and gave the same confidence.

"How about you? Are you going to tell Tania or Hayden?"

I shrugged while making my move after she made hers. "When dad makes it an official say, then I will."

"Good luck with that."


She killed my one horse and grinned victoriously but I saw that coming. Before I could reciprocate, a knock on the door halted me.

"Come in!" Sade yelled, too lazy to even open the door.

The door opened and we saw Stan leaning on the frame while smiling at us. "Time to breach, Corporals."

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