Chapter 35 - Accused

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"I'm Detective Hubert Fallon." The young and confident detective introduced himself in front of us.




Those three words automatically registered in my head, like I'm playing some sort of game, and the system is describing the avatar of my choice.

He sat down across from us with the FBI Director behind him, leaning on the wall.

Per dad's instruction earlier, Seth and I were brought back to our dorm to start the so-called questioning. But before that, the FBI Director let us eat first as they called someone to conduct the said questioning.

And we weren't surprised when the person who would do the job was him. He is actually our brother's classmate in high school, and, well, let's just say rival.

Hubert Fallon is said to be a child prodigy like Stan. Known to solve multiple cases in a short amount of time.

He is indeed a genius, as they say, so it's not a surprise that he was recommended to solve this important case.

Well, let's see if his reputation is true.

"It's a pleasure to meet the general's twins," he said while flipping some printed information on the table. Our background, I presume, "And Kristan's siblings."

We only hummed uninterestedly while our legs crossed and we clasped hands on our laps.

Looking at our posture, his lips curled in amusement. His bluish eyes twinkled, and a smile threatened to appear.

"Do it, Detective," the FBI Director urged him impatiently.

Hubert just nodded while flipping back the paper.

"This is going to be a long night." He paused and leaned closer, trying to intimidate us. "Would you like to hear the conclusions pinning you as spies to kill the president?"

"By all means," Seth said, smirking.

Did he think we would yield just for that inverted evidence? Nah ah.

He smirked and said it seriously. "Just a reminder; feel free to defend yourself when I'm done."

Seth and I only nodded nonchalantly.

"And don't think about attacking; remember, we have top-rank soldiers behind that door, and I can lock you two in a death lock in just 10 seconds," he threatened, full of himself.

10 seconds? Stan can do it in 3.

"Tell us now so we can rebut later," Seth said while chuckling with me.

He raised his eyebrows at what Seth had said. "Are you telling me that I'm making a false argument here?"

Seth and I shared a knowing smile that didn't go unnoticed by him as he tapped the table to get our attention.

"Listen," he said while leaning back, having the perfect angle to see our reaction when he told their conclusions, but we wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing any sliver of our expression.

We sat calmly, ready to face his claims against us.

He cleared his throat before speaking.

"First, you know basic defense; well, I can say it's a given, normal thing for everyone or for you who were raised by your dad, who is a soldier, but does it end there? Defending yourself from harm? Or let's just say General Tierez taught you the basic defense because he was training you to become spies. Oh well, let me put it directly since we are getting into it. Second," he doted. "Your dad is the kingpin of the almost assassination."

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