Chapter 13 - Touché

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"No juicy updates?" Seth asked across from where I was sitting in between chewing while waiting for me to spill some beans from today's happenings.

I gave him a deadpan look and chastised him even more for his table manners. "Knox and I will do something later; don't wait for us," I told him, leaving the details out because I knew he would ask it methodically.

Knox, who is sitting beside him, asked. "You're coming?"

"Can I?" I asked, mischievously.

He smiled softly. "Yeah, of course."

Suddenly, Seth groaned idiotically. "Wait, what is this?" she said, gesturing at me and Knox in fake awe. "You are going to breach I'm not part with?"

"You're no use this time; just stand by," I said, humorlessly.

We both chuckled, getting everyone's attention. The way they whisper and discreetly throw a look, Seth and I know they are talking about us.

Intelligent ignores.

"So what is the mission I'm excluded from?" Seth asked while pushing his plate away from him after eating the last bite of his food.

I pushed my plate towards him, where he used my fork to finish mine.

"Just helping Knox out."

He furrowed his eyebrows while crunching.

I snickered softly and smothered his face.

"Your face sucks," I said, slapping his face as he leant forward on the table.

"We are twins, basically my other version," he refuted while pointing the fork at my face. "So you reflect me."

"Touché," I said, understanding the retaliation.

He leaned back after gulping his drink, wondering. "Back to helping Knox; what is the case?"

I also leaned back, staring at him, but not before glancing at Knox, who is now watching us while eating his food slowly like Tania.

"Someone asked him for tutoring," I said simply. "Nothing to be worried about."

"If I am not mistaken, there's a program every Friday, isn't it?" he asked curiously while looking between Knox and Tania.

"There are, in respective subjects," Tania answered him. "But others prefer personal tutoring, and that's where we come in."

"Why?" Seth continued.

She wiped her mouth using her handkerchief first before answering. "They feel like it," she said indifferently.

"As expected," he nodded, easing his interest in it. He looks at me, returning to his earlier question. "So the deal is?"

I run my eyes around, noticing the chattering and table talk of everyone focused on their certain group, although a few tables are not so discreetly perking their nosiness from our table.

I saw who I was looking for and stared longer before answering him. "Remi Romblon."

From her place, Remi looked at our table. Maybe she sensed that I was boring my eyes on her; I know she can't hear me from this distance.

Oh, right, of course she will look in our direction because Knox is here.

Seth smirked. "Who likes him?"

I only nodded, noticing Knox's discomfort with the topic.

Tania, on the other hand, suddenly giggled softly. I saw her teasing eyes toward Knox when I looked at her.

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