Chapter 5 - Transfer

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"Ms. Olive." I was abruptly jolted from my seat after hearing my last name.

I looked up and felt a light tap on my shoulder, directing my lost attention towards the intruder.

Mrs. Quin, my trigonometry teacher, is giving me an impatient look.

"Uhm?" I asked, unsure.

She released a tired grunt before saying, "Are you done?" she asked, roaming her scornful eyes on my desk before continuing. "You keep looking ahead and not moving to answer your test. Tell me, are you having a hard time solving it?" Then her expression changes to a soft one. "Something's bothering you?"

I straightened my back while shaking my head. "I'm fine, just kind of spaced out."

She gave me an understanding look and an encouraging smile before turning towards her desk.

Damn. I gripped my pen tightly, loosening my tense body and scribbling. I resumed my test that was halted earlier when the principal called us into her office.

But I was really spacing out this day after the encounter with the twins, which was affecting my concentration for answering this test. I know I've gone over these a hundred times in the last two weeks.

I groaned, still disturbed.

"We are not here to please others but to contain ourselves."

His words kept repeating again and again inside my head. Those eyes are hunting me whenever I close my eyes, drowning me in the depths of the abyss and staring at me coldly and menacingly.

Damnit! I huffed and quickly finished my test while fighting off those eyes.

It's hard hearing his voice ring out inside my ears, then sending shivers down my body.

But I managed to do the test, and I'm pretty sure I can't top this now because of it.

I capped my pen after rechecking my answers, making sure no problems remained unsolved. I stood up and gave it to Mrs. Quin.

"Done?" she asked me, beaming while accepting my paper.


I sighed as I walked out of the room.

I retrieved my things from my locker before slamming it shut, but I was suddenly greeted by Berely, one of my classmates in one of my subjects.

"Oliver!" she greeted while grinning widely.

Hands on her curvy hips, curled blonde hair, manicured nails, and designer's revealing dress.

She's pretty but ugly in personality. I keep wondering how she can manage to stay alive when her IQ is lower than that of an ostrich.

Maybe she's too stupid to know what the square root of 9 is or the difference between gas and liquid.

She's the type of student who complains without knowing why she's complaining or finds x in one equation in algebra without knowing it, as evident from her test papers, outnumbering her correct answers.

Her two friends-if they really are-are standing behind her, laughing at me. I know what's going to happen.

"It's Olive," I corrected.

She rolled her eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked bravely.

She motioned her fingers to the two, giving me their papers.

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