Chapter 10 - Schedule

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The lunch was over, so I am sitting beside Knox and waiting for our next subject, philosophy. My stupid twin is now with Tania for their physics in the same building as earlier.

"Is there any possibility that I can change my subject?" I asked Knox, who is busy scribbling from his notebook.

Pushing his glasses up, he thinks first before answering. "It depends."

Leaning on my elbow to face him while casting my eyes for a few seconds from his notes, I asked. "On how?"

"Why did you want to?"

Staring into his eyes, I said it absentmindedly. "I'm alone in my physics tomorrow," knowing that his physics subject will be tomorrow too but different in time.

"Oh." His eyes widen, catching my attention.

I leaned back while composing myself. I bit my lower lip, disturbing my train of thought.

He closed his notebook and stared at me, thinking. "Do you want me to tell this to Ms. Gavin?"

"You will?" I asked, hopeful.

He nodded. "Of course."

I smiled and texted Seth.

As usual, the class runs smoothly, but I noticed someone was discreetly looking in my way.

Our classmate in social science, Remi Romblon, A possible enemy who likes Knox is now peering at him.

It is making me sick.

Mr. Yang continues the lectures.

I snorted as Remi looked again. She is sitting on my far right, in the same rows. I leaned purposefully forward to block her view.

Knox noticed my movements.

"My back is aching from leaning back," I mumbled.

"You need to straighten your back to avoid straining," he said, full of concern.

"Yeah, right, thanks, but I like it this way." I whispered, and he only nodded and went back from listening.

But his eyes hold so much worry.

"It is a social and economic inequality." Mr. Yang ended the short lectures while stepping back to face us all. "Now, any questions?"

The class chorused a short no.

The class is dismissed after half an hour. I sorted out my things.

"Let's go, Knox."

Plagiarism is a crime!

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