Chapter 44 - Wake-up Call

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"Come on!" Alicia impatiently groaned as we finally reached the ground floor.

Tania and I only sighed but soon followed her out of the building.

She sprinted in a hurry, so we caught up to her in a rush while my eyes locked on the external field. It was filled with a red metal coating that was imprinted with the names of our school team glinting beneath the dull yellow lights.

The sound of screaming spilled out as the announcer's voice spoke through the microphone.

It's a football game today, Hayden's team against the nearby school's team. And Alicia is complaining because Tania and I took a long time to finish our club requirements earlier.

It was 8, halfway through the game when we reached the field. Hastily, Tania and I just followed her inside the stadium.

The field is filled with students, parents, and other guests who are trying to witness the game. It is a play between nearby schools and we are rooting for Hayden's team to win.

If they win, then they will compete regionally and for the nationals.

It's been 3 months since the incident here and everything hasn't just gone back to normal. The policies and rules were changed, including our program for being scholars, they completely remove it from the school.

And like we suspected back then the twins left the school and up until now they're not back yet.

Yet, I hope they will.

Since Seth messaged Tania a day before the class resumes that they will only take a break. Although it doesn't mean they will surely come back.

Months have already passed by. If they come back then, how will they make up for it?

We are currently in our midterm and the requirements for each subject are difficult to compile.

Still, I hope she'll come back.

The screaming resurfaced when someone made a perfect goal. There was no need to see who's team when Alicia and Tania's screams almost broke my eardrums.

I sighed. It is better to read than attend these gatherings.

"Suck it up, buttercup." Tania whispered when the voices came down.

I grunted while wiping my glasses. "Why do we need to watch the game when we already know who will win?"

"You sound like Sade."

I rolled my eyes and shifted uncomfortably, reminding me of her.

I really missed her.

Thankfully, Alicia is busy watching Hayden on the field or else she will also tease me. I already told them everything what happened that night. It's embarrassing but I need to be honest with them. Hayden kept bothering me so even though it's against my will, I finally told them.

"Is this seat taken?" suddenly, someone asked on my right.

I was taken aback when I saw who.

I just shake my head and push my glasses up nonchalantly.


Like a radar built on their heads, Tania and Alicia looked at Remi. They rolled their eyes when she gave them a smile. But their attention was immediately pulled away for the game when the screaming spilled out again.

Darn, this is why I hate watching any kind of sports.

"I didn't expect that you were into this event too." she suddenly commented as I tried to watch the play.

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