Chapter 18 - Detention

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"Detention at six, Tierez, Romblon, and Davis!" Mr. Yang reminded them when the students started to walk out of the class.

As expected earlier, we were late, and when we reached the room, everyone was intently listening to the lectures.

However, five minutes later, Remi came inside. Mr. Yang greeted us, and detention followed.

Sade and I sorted our things inside our bags for the preparation of our next subject.

Remi stomped forward, but not before bumping Sade's right arm in the way. I was about to react to how rude that was when Sade beat me to it.

"Nice try, Ramen," she taunted while standing firmly with her arms crossed on her chest.

It can be easily ignored, but the name-calling is a giveaway.

Remi paused walking as the last two students finally left the room.

Now, there are only three of us.

"Did you really think you had the last say earlier? You should thank the bell or I already twisted those skinny arms you have," Sade added, which made her whirl in an instant from those laying threats.

"Sade," I murmured, standing beside her.

Remi faced us, looking straight at Sade smugly. "We won't, and as I said, you just bark and bark," she mocked, hands on her hips.

"Oh yeah, you did. Mocking claps and salute boos for you too, because you're also the losers." Sade snickered first before adding. "My dad is a soldier. That fact alone gives you an idea of how he raised me."

Remi breathed loudly and huffed afterwards, like she couldn't believe what Sade had said. "You know what? You act so smart, but look how cowardly you really are!"

"Si, because I am pulling off for you." Sade bit back.

Remi seethed in anger, but thankfully Sade pushed forward, bypassing her.

"Congratulations! You're looking for a fight? Now you've got one. Let's go, Knox."

I nodded and side-faced Remi, but before walking out, I whispered. "I thought you were different."

I saw her trembling fist in anger.

She looked at me like I was betraying her or something.

Since she is already part of the group that is trying to hurt my cousin, there's no need for me to treat her kindly.

I joined Sade in the hallway, who is now talking to her twin on her phone.


"Let's acknowledge the arrival of Sade Tierez in our humble meeting for today," Seth softly teased as we sat down on the remaining chair here in the library.

The table they reserved is located in the far corner, away from the librarian's desk.

Our last subject has already ended, so we hurriedly went here. As Seth informed Sade earlier, we only have thirty minutes to spare before our detention later.

She scowled while slumping her body across from him. Hayden and Alicia were patiently waiting for us.

"It took us fifteen minutes to get here."

Seth hummed and thought of something. "We're talking here about how irresponsible students we sure are for having a detention later."

Sade looked at me and chuckled, feeling the same thing. "So do we."

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