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"There's blood. Why is there blood on it? He wasn't bleeding, why would he be bleeding now?!" I heard Felix demand an answer from Jude.

When I entered the office, Felix was holding a pale pink sweater, basically throwing the sweater in Jude's face, blood flying off the sweater and onto his face.

Jude clenched his jaw, closing his eyes as he inhaled deeply, irritated. "I don't know either, Felix."

"You have to know something. You're in charge here, ask someone for help." Felix placed the sweater onto the desk, scrunching one part of it in his hand.

"I can't just ask someone for help, I can't even leave this damn house without the doors opening. Besides, even if I did ask for your so-called help, they'd want something in return." Jude sat down in his seat, exhausted.

"Then give them what they want. I don't care, I'll give them whatever they want in return. I just want Ren back." Felix also fell into the seat behind him.

"It's not that simple." Jude sighed. "Ren didn't just disappear, he was taken."

Felix tensed in his seat. "Taken?! By who?!"


A gasp got caught in my throat, my hand flying to my mouth to suppress my cough.

"S-satan? Wha-why? What does he want with Ren?" Felix sat in his chair defeated.


Ren was taken by Satan and it's all my fault. Why wouldn't he take me instead? Why take Ren?

"Ask for help. Please, I'm begging you. Ask anyone to help us." Felix began to cry.

"You're insane if you think anyone in hell will turn against Satan just because you're begging. No one–and I mean no one in hell, will want to offer themselves to Satan's wrath for someone they don't know or care for." Jude retorted, clasping his hands before him, bringing them to his lips.

"I won't be asking them to offer themselves, I'd only be asking for their help."

"We can't overpower the Devil. No matter our numbers, we'll lose." Jude deadpanned–totally over the conversation.

"Felix," I revealed myself.

"Elise, tell him. Tell Jude to find others that'll help us. Satan has supposedly taken Ren and we–I need him back, please." Felix stood up rushing towards me, grasping my hands together, pleadingly.

"He's right, Felix." After I said this, Felix dropped my hands, an angry look taking over his sad one. "It's just that–" I paused. "By helping us, they'll have a death sentence on them. Satan is powerful, he has many powerful demons by his side. The Seven Deadly Sins are some of–"

"How do you know that?" Felix interrupted me. "How do you know about the seven lords of Hell?"

"Isn't it common knowledge?" I lied, I remembered everything I learned in heaven including the Seven Deadly Sins, also known as, The Seven Princes of Hell.

"No, it's not." Felix sassed. "Besides, it's unlikely we'd run into all seven of them. Hell is huge. We only need to see Satan."

"And how do we even know it was actually Satan who took Ren and not one of the others?" I questioned still standing by the door–Felix beside me.

"Because I believe Jude knows what he's talking about." Felix turned to Jude.

"Exactly, then you should believe Jude when he says no one will care to help us." I inquired.

"There are hundreds of demons who side beside Satan. The two high kings, the four princes, their wives, and many more." Jude disclosed with his eyes closed. "Five of us newborn demons against hundreds of year-old demons. Think about how that might go."

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