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"So," Elliot spoke up comfortably, crossing his legs. "how are you all doing this fine evening?" No one spoke up. "Well me? I guess you could say this is one of the top 3 best days I've had." He looked at Adrien then back to us. "Parker dead for about an hour? Ahh yes, the silence." He laughed with Adrien. He calmed himself, fixing his composure, his hair now in his face. "No, really. How are you all doing?" 

"We're fine," Malcolm spoke for us.

"Oh dear, let them speak for themselves. We all have our own voice." Elliot advised Malcolm.

Malcolm bit his lip in frustration and exhaled deeply, "Of course."

This made Elliot and Adrien look towards me and Felix, waiting for our response.

"I'm doing fine, had better days." Felix cleared his throat and looked away from them right after answering.

They all turned to me, "And you?" Adrien asked, staring intently.

I swallowed nervously. "I'm fine, thanks for asking." 

God, was I sweating? 

"We're quite curious about some things. Um, for example, how'd you meet them?" Elliot looked at me his stare hardening and his smirk looked cruel. 

I kept my face neutral, trying not to show I was Intimidated.

"She met us at our house of course–" Malcolm started answering for me.

"Why don't we let everyone speak for themselves." Elliot looked at Malcolm. "You have quite the habit of speaking for others, don't you?" He raised his brows with an amused smile. Malcolm stayed quiet. "Right, now that that's settled, you can answer the question." He looked at me.

"It's as Malcolm said, I met them at their house." I looked Elliot in the eyes, his eyes flashing orange.

Strange, Jude's flashed red. Theirs is orange?

"Perhaps I wasn't as specific as I meant to be. Let me rephrase," He leaned back in his chair, his hair still in his face. "How'd you appear outside of Satan's women's quarters and in theirs?" He tilted his head, his hair falling to the side, revealing his full face again.

All I saw, was Orange.

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