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"Anyways, let's go." Emrys quickly changed the subject and turned to leave.

"What– No!" I rushed in front of him preventing him from leaving, spreading my arms out.

"We can discuss this later but for now, let's just leave it." Emrys tried to dismiss.

"I can't just leave it. You just said Satan is playing out my prophecy, why would he do that?" I asked, planting my feet firmly in front of him.

He sighed, rubbing his face in frustration, leaning his weight onto his right leg. "If you're not the first to come here, Satan most likely knows too. He's probably trying to figure out the prophecy himself knowing it could possibly involve him." Emrys explained. "You should probably process this before we go down, wouldn't want them to think I did something to you." he pushed past me and lead the way to the others.

I rubbed my left eyebrow and sighed, knowing he was right. I took a few deep breaths before following Emrys out of the room.

Emrys walked slowly down the hall so I could catch up. We walked side by side, our pace picking up as we neared the others.

Entering the living room, my eyes traveled to the broken frames, then to Parker's body that lay beside it.

"Again?" Emrys sighed sitting in his seat looking at Jude.

"Don't look at me, it wasn't me this time." Jude denied and pulled me next to him.

All eyes fell to Elliot. "What? He was pissing everyone off for no reason." Elliot's tongue rolled in his mouth.

"Well," Emrys dismissed, smacking his lips once. "there's not much to say other than that we'll all be living here for the next few months." he nodded, contemplating his words. "The floor your rooms are on has everything you need, besides a kitchen of course. We only have one of those, so we'll have to share it." Emrys looked between all of us. "I hope we can all live civilly." he stood up and left the room without saying another word, Elliot and Adrien following after him.

"Let's talk upstairs," Felix announced and glanced at Parker's body before rushing ahead of us.

Malcolm followed, leaving Jude and me alone to walk up after them.

"I suppose your talk went well?" Jude spoke up quietly as he pulled me off the couch.

"I learned a few things, I'll tell you later." I paused, hesitantly. "I–I think I'm going to tell Malcolm and Felix about what I am." I continued.

We walked up the steps slowly.

"Did Emrys tell you to or do you want to?" Jude questioned, his face contorted with confusion.

"I want to," I affirmed. "we did talk about it but I already knew I had to tell them. He just encouraged me to." I explained.

"Okay," Jude nodded and looked forward as we reached the top of the stairs. "let's go tell them." 

I smiled in thanks and we made our way to the couch, where Malcolm and Felix sat.

"So, is there any way we could get out of here faster?" Felix asked anxiously before me and Jude sat down.

"That's not what we talked about." I bit my lip nervously and sat down in front of the two.

"Well then what did you talk about?" Felixs' emotions were a mess and I understood why he was so frustrated.

I glanced at Jude and he gave me a small nod of encouragement. "Me." My hands clasped together and I fiddled with my hands.

"You?" Felixs' head jerked forward in confusion "Why would you talk about you?" He questioned.

I took the question in the nicest way possible.

"You talked about why you're here?" Malcolm spoke up this time. "As in a girl roaming in hell." he clarified with a nod of his head.

"Yes," I paused hesitantly. "sort of."

"Sort of? What else did you talk about alone?" Felix looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"As I said, me," I said, trying to calm my nerves.

"Yeah, but–" Felix interrupted.

"Please, let me talk." I stopped him. "I'm having a hard time explaining this as it is." I licked my lips nervously. "I'm not from here."

Felix looked at me with a dumbfounded expression and was about to talk back was stopped when he saw Jude's glare directed at him.

"I'm not from earth either." I hesitated. "I'm an Angel." I looked between Malcolm and Felix trying to read their expressions.

Felixs' mouth first opened in shock, but he quickly recovered. His jaw now clenched in anger, his eyes in slits, glaring my way.

Malcolm continued to stare at me, his eyes trying to decipher if I was lying or not. Once he realized I was telling the truth, he did nothing but swallow.

"Look I'm sorry, but–" I started but got cut off when Felix stood up.

"He's gone because of you. They both are. Don't think I'm stupid, I've read my books, I have some idea what happens when Angels come." He angrily ranted. "Why?" He asked and I looked at him confused. "Why did you come here? What was your purpose? WHAT WAS YOUR PURPOSE?!" He exploded.

"Calm down, Felix. There's more to the story." Jude ordered, not moving from his spot. 

"More to the story?" He scoffed. "You are all missing the whole point in why we're here! It's because of her!" He pointed at me, angrily. "We wouldn't be in this position if she hadn't come!" He argued.

My eyes watered and I stood up with him. "Don't you think I know that? Do you think I wanted this to happen? I don't know what my actual purpose is here." I took a deep breath in, rubbing the sides of my face before continuing. "When I came down here, I had no idea what I was really getting myself into. The Angels and guardians had lied to me about my purpose of being here." I looked into their eyes solemnly as they took in what I was saying. "I was 'tasked' to come down here and redeem you, all of you." I looked at all of them.

Malcolm sat idly, waiting for me to finish the story.

Felix stayed silent as he stood and listened to me speak.

"I found out this wasn't true when Emrys told me. Don't ask me how he knows, as it's not mine to tell, however, he does know I was sent here lied to. I believe him of course." I looked at Felix. "The reason I'm here is because there's a prophecy, and I don't know if you know what those are, but–"

"We do," Malcolm spoke up. "we know what prophecies are." he continued.

"Well, there's a prophecy, I don't know what's it's about but I know it has something to do with me being down here. You don't have to believe me," I sighed. "but I never wanted any of this to happen. They never told me anything would happen to you," I looked at Felix, then to the rest. "to any of you. When I found out the flowers were growing because of me, I thought I was succeeding in my task. When in reality, I was doing exactly what they wanted. Following the path to my prophecy." I finished.

"There's no way you can go back?" Felix asked his voice calmer.

"Not that I know of. The guardians want my prophecy to come true. I was told they didn't for a while, however, now..." I trailed off.

"That means they'll come back safe, right?" Felix looked at me anxiously. "Because the prophecy is from heaven itself, so it has to be something good, right??" he bit his lip, calming his shaky breathing. He slowly began to pace.

"I don't–" I shook my head, looking down to the floor. "I don't know." I looked back up to them. "All I know is that I might die at the end of all of this, and you all, could end up in the hands of Satan himself."

Devils Denजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें