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Parker smirked as he told us.

Felix's mouth was agape in shock as he tried to process this. So much time we would have to spend here in this house, just to spend many more trying to get to Ren. "What? That'll take at least a year!"

"I did tell you there were obstacles," Jude said slowly trying not to make Felix any sadder than he already was.

"You never said it'll take more than a few days!" He stood up frustrated. 

"I never said anything about how long it would take. Just that there'll be obstacles." Jude explained himself, calmly.

"What about Ren and Nathaniel?! They're probably getting tortured over and over, and for what?!" Felix's eyes watered as he thought of Ren suffering.

I watched sadly. This was my fault. He doesn't know this was because of me.

Emrys gave me and Jude a 'You didn't tell him' look. I shook my head slowly, trying not to be noticeable by anyone else.

"Calm down, Felix. We'll get to them and they'll be fine." Jude tried to assure by lying but Felix knew.

"And how can you be so sure? For all we know, they could be gone! In the pit of hell, the worse kind of torture there is!" Felix yelled back.

"And how would you know that?" Emrys turned his head sharply at Felix. "How would you know that's the worst torture? No one's been told that." He questioned him, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

"There's something called books, Emrys." Jude intervened causing Emrys to turn to him.

"Of course." He slowly nodded. "And how is the pit of hell, the worst torture you say?" Emrys raised his brows, questioningly.

Felix sat back down. "You are thrown in the pit of red, orange, and yellow. Souls of innocent and guilty people screaming, reaching their arms out to be saved by anyone, anything." He paused, remembering what he read. "The arms grab onto you and pull you under. You feel as the fire burns the fibers on your skin. The hands scratching and tearing at your body, searching for anything that could save themselves, while the fire continues to burn you. Eventually, you'll die." He looked up at all of us knowingly, tears pricking at his eyes. "But you all already know we come back. So you feel it again, all the pain. Again and again and again. Over and over. You can get out, yes, only if you know how to." He explained.

"And how can you?" Elliot asked intrigued.

"I don't know."

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