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I quickly look to my right at the sound of Jude's voice.

"What are you doing out here?" I questioned–my heart racing.

"I was waiting out here for you. So you could let me explain." He claimed.

"There's nothing to explain." I shrugged. "We're not together. You can have sex with whoever you want."

"That's the thing, I didn't have sex with Malorie." He stepped forward. I exhaled, pushing past him, walking into his empty room. "Wait–" He jogged after me. "Can you let me speak?"

I now sat on one of the empty beds. "I came in here so we could speak in private," I informed, glancing at him quickly before trying to look away, but I couldn't.

Jude was in distress–most likely because of me. His hair is frazzled, his eyes tired, his lips turned down in a small frown. He sat at the end of his bed, arms hoisting him up behind him as he tilted his head back for more air.

We sat in awkward silence.

"Are you going to speak or are we just going to sit here silently?" I continued to stare at Jude–who looked my way when I spoke up.

"I didn't sleep with Malorie, nor did I want to." He got straight to the point.

"Then why was she in your room?" We stared at each other as I questioned him.

"She barged in without notice." He stated. "Trust me, I never wanted her to come in here."

"She climbed on you, and you didn't push her off," I announced, glaring at him.

"How did you know she climbed on me?" His face contorted in confusion then held a small smirk because of my jealousy.

"You clearly heard me outside your door," I answered. "besides, you guys aren't quiet."

"Well, since you were listening in, you'd know we didn't do anything." He looked at me pleadingly.

"I'm sorry." I gave in, turning my head, closing my eyes, exhaling deeply. I turned back to Jude, waiting for his apology, only for him to stay silent. "Are you not?"

"Am I not what?"

"Are you not sorry?" I scoffed, lightly.

"What would I be sorry for?" He questioned.

"Are you serious?" I looked at him in disbelief. "You have yet to apologize for what happened in the forest and here you are acting like you did nothing wrong."

"That's because I didn't do anything wrong." He retorted, rolling his eyes in the process.

"Again," I sat up straighter, my glare returning. "are you serious?!" 

"Fine, I'm sorry!" He poorly apologized, his hands hung loosely by his sides.

"For what?"

"What do you mean for what? You wanted me to apologize, so I am." His arms making weird motions, his frustration rising.

"Do you even know why you're sorry?" I questioned.

"For my behavior in the forest?" He said although it sounded more like a question.

"Yes and?" I pressed.

"And I really like you, you know that right?" He changed the subject.

"Don't play with my feelings, Jude." I frowned.

"I'm not," He denied. "I really do like you. I just-" He paused, thinking over what to say. "I don't know what love feels like, okay?" He suddenly confessed.

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