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"Let's go. Now's our chance." Felix ran out of the room, toward the door, with us chasing behind.

As I ran, I tilted my head to the side, my shoes making a squishing noise. I looked down and my pace slowed when I realized why.

I was running over Nathaniel's blood. I stopped running, gasping in shock.

"You just realized now?" Jude laid a hand behind me, pushing me forward to keep running. "Calm down, it's just blood."

When we reached the door, my eyes never left the blood-streaked trail leading right outside of it.

"Come on." Felix hopped on his heels nervously.

"Hold on, now." Malcolm walked up to him, setting a hand on his shoulder. "Do you really think it's a good idea to do that? I mean, there are only four of us and Elise doesn't even know how to fight. We'd be putting her in danger. Besides, we don't know where they are."

"Ren and Nathaniel are in danger, not her. They were taken from this house...this house where we're supposed to reside in until called for. No matter where we are there is going to be danger. This is Hell. Nowhere is safe." Felix glared pushing Malcolm's hand off of him.

My eyes trailed the blood trail, following it out of the door. When I looked into it, the first thing I saw was red. Everything was red. The soil, the grass, the trees, the sky...There were cracks in the ground, lava running through them.

It looked so different from the backyard.

"We have to go now while the door is open. Who knows when it'll open again." Felix ignored Malcolm's speech and glared outside the door. "I don't care if you follow me or not, but I'm going through." He began to walk forward causing me and Malcolm to panic.

"Felix..." I murmured worriedly to myself. I knew I wouldn't be able to stop him. I turned to Jude confused when I saw him step up. "Jude?"

"Don't be an idiot." He sneered. "We're in Satan's realm. We have no say in who stays or goes. If you really want, go ahead. But, we'll be staying here, where we're supposed to."

Felix's scowl did not drop, his fists scrunching into fists. "I never took you as a rule follower." He spat before pushing past us, heading back into one of the halls where his room lies.

"He's not going?" I watch as his figure slowly shrinks in size as he walks further.

"He's smart enough to know going out there alone is too dangerous, especially for someone like him," Malcolm answered, sighing in relief.

"Someone like him?" I repeat confused watching as Jude leaves next, leaving Malcolm and I alone.

"A low leveled Demon." He explained. "We're all low-leveled Demons, we're not as strong, not properly trained for fights. Well, maybe except for Jude and Nathaniel. We all committed a few sins. Not enough to get into a lower level where hardcore fighting is required for your tasks. The point is, Felix knows no fighting or 'survival' knowledge to be roaming around in Hell. So, he's smart enough to turn around and listen to Jude."

I pursed my lips, not knowing how to reply with all he inquired. "Thank you for telling me." I managed a small polite smile.

He blushed lightly, turning away hoping I wouldn't see. "It's no problem. If you don't mind, I'll head back to my room now." He bowed his head, still hiding his blush, as he walked away.

I let my smile drop when he fully retreated back to his hall and turned back to the door curiously. I didn't inch closer, afraid of what evil lies on the other side.

There was no movement that I could see from where I stood. Not even the wind blew the dead leaves around. I squinted further trying to find anything out there, but nothing. The loud creak of the door settling made me jump in shock, taking me back to reality.

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