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"I'm sorry." I apologized to him sincerely. He now has to live in hell because of me. "They just sent you to hell with their powers?" My eyebrows furrowed. "What kind of punishment is that?"

He looked at me amused. "I don't think they thought Satan would accept me, seeing as I used to work for the guardians. That's probably why they didn't take away my powers."

"Why'd you do it?" I shook my head at him, thinking of theories of why he would talk to me if he knew he would get in trouble.

"I wanted to see what was so special about you, that no male was allowed to approach you. I didn't think the consequences would have been that severe." He paused sadly. "But everything happens for a reason. That was the path to my fate, and you are currently walking the path to yours." he finished.

"What does that mean?" I asked nervously. 

"You are down here for a reason." I was about to interrupt but he was faster. "And not the reason they told you."

"Why do you think that?" I leaned my elbows on my knees, thinking back on all the information.

"They don't want no males approaching you in heaven, yet they send you to a place full of them. Why do you think they'd do that?" He disclosed with an 'I know' look on his face.

"You tell me since you know more, and are sure cocky about it." I retorted, frustrated. "I didn't even know there was a prophecy that related to a woman."

"Everyone in heaven learned about that certain prophecy, I don't know why they think it's you. But they chose you for a reason." He simply said. "Now, I don't know what it's entirely about, but I'm sure it has something to do with you being here. It's your fate."

"Why wouldn't they tell me? Why lie to me?" I threw questions left and right.

"I know I'm older, but my knowledge has its limits." He chuckled amused.

"Now's not the time to be laughing. This is serious." I stood up, pacing the room. "I hate this. Why is there a prophecy about me? How would they even know it's about me?! Of all the women in heaven!" I ranted.

He ignored what I was saying. "Whatever your fate is, it must be important, considering they sent you here alone, with not even a single magical property."


To clarify how Y/n acts, it's her real and fake personalities. When she wished to forget, false memories were made for her which alternated her real personality. Her false memories were bad ones, of course, because she needed bad ones to be sent to hell, so of course, her fake personality was bad. However, it's hard for her to separate the fake from the real because the memories were literally imprinted in her brain for her to act like she belonged there. I hope that kind of clarifies how she acts sometimes.

~Author <3

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