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I woke up to the familiar feeling of Jude's breath fanning down my neck. His soft groans of discomfort sent chills down my spine, my mind automatically thinking back on our intimate activities.

The fumes of dying fire along with the sweet scent of Jude sent me into a small moment of relaxation.

"You can go back to sleep," Malcolm's voice startled me. He had been sitting up, staring into the fire, his legs crossed, and his hands clasped together.

"It's okay, I'm not that tired anymore." I lied. I was still pretty tired but felt bad that Malcolm was sitting up alone. I tried to sit up too, however, was held down by Jude. I sighed quietly, giving up, laying in my spot, staring into the fire along with Malcolm.

"Are you cold?" He asked concerningly. "I can make the fire bigger if you'd like."

"No, it's alright." I declined his offer. "Jude's body heat's keeping me plenty warm." I smiled looking down at the man hugging me."

Malcolm nodded hesitantly, "It gets cold at night, so don't be afraid to ask if you need the fire bigger."

"I won't." I smile gently. "You can go to sleep, you know. I can keep watch for the time being."

"It's fine, I don't sleep that much anyway. Besides, we're dead, we don't need to sleep."

"Don't our bodies function as if we're alive? You know, besides the healing and hunger." I question in puzzlement.

"I suppose," He nodded slowly—thinking about it. "But I've stayed up for weeks before and nothing serious has happened."

"But something has happened? Just nothing serious?"

"Yeah, I've fainted from exhaustion...that's about it." He shrugged after the short explanation.

"You've fainted?" He nodded at me. "Did you perhaps...wake up feeling refreshed? No, headache or any bit of tiredness?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" He chuckled shaking his head as if my assumption was a coincidence.

"Malcolm," I paused. "You died."


"You died," I repeated. "You must have thought your fainting was your body falling asleep, but in reality, you died. Your body shut down on you." I divulged.

"Huh, it does make sense." He took in the information before chuckling. "I can't believe I didn't know I died."

I shook my head at his foolishness and smiled meekly before staring into the fire—silence ensuing.

Despite how tired I felt, I forced myself to stay awake. I shook my head, squeezing my eyes shut, before opening them wide.

My line of sight drifted from the fire to Malcolm. I could see him turn away quickly once my eyes met his.

Has he been staring at me this whole time?

"Malcolm," I drew his attention back to me. "May I ask you something?"

"Y-yeah," He met my gaze shyly before averting his gaze to the ground. "What is it?"

"What's your story?"

"My story?"

"Yeah, like, what'd you do to get here?" I reworded, squeezing out of Jude's grasp—successfully. I sat up fully with Jude's head now on my lap.

"Oh," He frowned, all light in his eyes gone. "You already know that we've all killed but you don't know why I did." He started as he was staring into the red fire that was slowly dying out.

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