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"How did you even know the way before if none of you have been this far down in hell?" Felix and I let go of each other. We all looked around us, the trees looked as if they were normal, I highly doubt that.

"That was Felix and Malcolm." Jude ran his tongue along his bottom teeth. "I never said I haven't."

I didn't say anything else, I don't think Jude would have wanted me to anyway.

"Now which way do we go?" Felix leaned against the tree beside him.

"Seeing as I was facing this way when the trees appeared, we shall continue on straight," Jude told us and started walking.

I fell behind the two, trying not to trip on roots that now stuck out of the ground. The two didn't seem to notice I was falling behind because when I did trip. I looked back up to see they were no longer in sight.

How did I lose them in such a short amount of time?! I tripped and gathered myself for 10 seconds!

The wind picked up causing leaves to hit my legs. I hesitated whether to scream for the two. If I did I could gather the attention of some creature, but if I didn't I could be safer this way.

Jude had told us to continue straight, so I will.

Which way is straight?

I had tripped causing me to lose the direction I was going in. The best thing I could do is guess which way I was going.

Left, right, or straight?


I went right, hesitating to pray that it was correct. Was it okay to pray in hell?

The path was long, but that was usual. It was a long way to Satan, that's the weird thing. Satan is said to be strong, how is it we have made it this far? He could easily stop us, I am sure he knows we are on our way.

Satan would have sent Jude or any of the two on tasks during the seven months we've been gone. When he sees the tasks aren't done, he would have surely known. Why are we still able to walk around freely? Besides Malcolm, of course.

A whole day had passed and I've made the conclusion that I was going the wrong way. If I wasn't, I'm sure Jude and Felix would have turned back and found me walking towards them, however, that wasn't the case and now I'm lost, wandering in Hell.

I sighed, the wind had stopped and it was dead silent. The leaves crunched under my shoes, I crossed my arms, looking left and right before going on my way. I froze when I heard other footsteps near me. 

The sound of the leaves crunching intensified and I started walking again, increasing my pace, terrified.

My breathing picked up and so did the unknown footsteps. I let out loud scream when a hand yanked me back.

I immediately threw a punch at the person or creature, hitting them square in the face. I ran, not looking to see who or what it was I hit.

"Y/N!" The voice screamed when I was 20 feet away. I stopped running, freezing on spot.

Was this a trick? If I turn around will I be attacked by a creature or will it be Jude and Felix who found me?

"Y/N! IT'S EMRYS!" At that, I turned around. 

Emrys was wiping the blood off his face that had trickled down from his nose. HE was jogging towards me with a confused expression.

"Emrys!" I almost broke down into tears once he approached me. I brought him into an embrace, scared out of my witts.

"What are you doing here? Where are Jude, Felix, and Malcolm?" Emrys pulled away from the embrace and questioned.

"Malcolm is not with us no more." I disclosed looking to the floor.

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