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"You don't even know your own prophecy?" Malcolm questioned, staring at me incredulously.

"No," I shook my head and sat back down beside Jude, Felix still standing. "I just found out I had one today." I sighed heavily.

Felixs' jaw clenched as he watched me. "I'll be right back, I need a minute." he walked past all of us and rushed down the stairs.

"Do you think he hates me?" I asked no one in particular, staring where Felix once stood.

"I think he needs time to process everything, s'all." Malcolm ensured, looking at me with his hands clasped.

"How about you? Do you hate me?" I looked at Malcolm with a small frown, Jude's hand on my back, comfortingly.

"I don't think I can," Malcolm answered and looked away when he saw Jude's hand. "What now?" he asked changing the subject.

"We wait for Felix to come back and then we can discuss what happens next." Jude piped up.

I leaned back onto the couch, sighing heavily because of the stress.

"Emrys says tell them." Jude randomly said breaking the silence.

"What?" I looked at him to see his eyes closed as he leaned his head back.

"About what he is, he says it's okay." Jude turned his head ever so slightly and opened his eyes.

"Why would he tell you and not me?" I questioned, confused.

Malcolm watched us curiously and confused about what we were talking about.

"Don't know, don't know." Jude dismissed and closed his eyes again.

About 7-10 minutes later, Felix came strutting in, in a more calm demeanor. "Let's continue," he announced and sat back in his seat beside Malcolm.

"What do you want to know?" I looked up at him and the questions began...


I told them everything. Everything I know at least. Emrys. Fallen angel. Talking to me. Banished. Me. Prophecy. Lied to. Not the first. etc.

They all took this information in, nodding along as I talked.

"That's all you know?" Felix asked.

"Yes, I wish I knew more." I sighed heavily, frustrated.

"So your memories, they're fake?" Malcolm spoke up. "You lied about your memories?"

"I have fake memories, bad fake memories, as do all of you. I needed them to 'succeed' my task." I explained.

"Wait, so you're telling me you're an angel that was sent to hell with no powers? Like none at all?" Felix asked in disbelief.

"Exactly. I knew I had no powers here, however, I thought me being a divine being was enough power." I answered. "I guess not."

"What the hell are we going to do here?" Felix asked no one in particular. "I can't handle them, they're freaky," he whispered his last sentence, afraid they'll hear.

"Emrys can read minds...he'll know what you're saying," I told Felix and Malcolm.

"Another freaky thing of theirs! Don't even get me started on that Parker dude." he ranted, at least his mood was a bit better than before.


It's been two months, we all did our best to avoid Parker, but it was like he purposely would run into us.

Felix has been more down than usual which is understandable.

Malcolm has befriended Adrien and sometimes chats with Elliot.

Jude has stuck with me most of the time, sometimes going to talk with Emrys.

I have been chatting with everyone besides Parker, of course. I chatted with Malcolm and Jude as I usually did. Felix still would sometimes avoid me, Adrien would wave hello and greet me, Emrys would always be the jokester around the house although I barely understood his jokes at times, and Elliot was just awkward. He made me feel tense like he'd been watching me.

All this has happened in two months, nothing had changed since we got here. Still no tasks, still no missions, still no Ren and Nathaniel.


We had all been sleeping one day when Emrys came barging into our room.

Jude and I had been nude under our covers.

"Oh wow, that's a sight to see," Emrys said as I tried to cover myself.

"What do you want Emrys?" Jude murmured, tiredly, his eyes still closed.

"I came to tell you that Satan is going to task me something in another month or two." He informed us.

Jude opened his eyes and we both stared at Emrys. "How would know that? Satan doesn't give us a heads up." Jude asked confused. We all were.

"I don't know. I got a note through the fireplace that says to get ready for a task soon, I'm assuming soon means a month or two. It must be important." Emrys shrugged and leaned against the wall, watching us.

I looked at Emrys weirdly and he smiled in return, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Do you have the note on you?" Jude asked curiously, propping himself on his elbows, the blanket falling to his stomach, his hair disheveled.

"Yeah, you want to see it?" Emrys smiled happily like a child who won a prize. He gave the paper to Jude and we both stared at it.

'The fallen, Emrys.

Be ready soon.'

"Why does he have to write 'the fallen'?" I asked.

"Probably to remind me that I came from heaven." He shrugged carelessly.

"This was from Satan?" Jude asked, inspecting the paper.

"Of course, I wouldn't make it up." Emrys snatched the paper away and stuffed it in his pocket safely. "I should frame this." he squealed.

"You're such a kid sometimes." I laughed.

"Hush, child. I'm older." He looked away, putting his hand up, stopping me.

"Are you sure it's from him?" Jude asked again.

"Yes, why would I lie?" Emrys looked at Jude, who now sat up against the headboard.

"It's just, the handwriting looks familiar. I can't pinpoint it though." Jude stared at the blanket, rubbing his chin, trying to remember. He shook his head and sighed heavily, "Nevermind, my mind is probably tricking me. I need sleep." he laid back down, tugging me closer.

"Okay, well goodnight, I mean, good evening, I mean, good morning, I mean, good naptime–" Emrys continuously corrected himself.

"Get out Emrys." Jude glared and I chuckled at the two.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go frame this." Emrys turned sharply and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

"No need to be rude, he's excited." I defended Emrys' behavior.

"It's just weird." Jude paused, thinking. "Satan has never sent out a letter before, especially not a warning one. Satan couldn't care less about us." He finished, his eyes still closed.

"Are you jealous?" I teasingly taunted drawling out my words,  poking the side of his cheek. He now laid face flat on the mattress, his head turned to face me.

"What's there to be jealous about?" He asked, his face getting squished between the mattress.

I turned so I faced him, "He got a letter from Satan and you hadn't."

"Doesn't mean I'm jealous, just suspicious is all." He disclosed.

I hummed in acknowledgment. My hand went to his hair and his arm went around my waist, pulling me closer so I am now hugging his head to my chest.

Jude's breathing had calmed as he slowly fell back asleep. My hand tangled in his hair, his warm breath on my chest.

"I think I love you too, Judy," I whispered and fell back asleep.

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