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I continued to walk beside Malcolm. I wasn't sure how Jude even knew the way to Satan. He wouldn't talk about it, not that he's been talking to me.

I trudged my feet against the soil, tired of walking. Sure, I prepared for this, however, I wasn't fit for all this walking.

Malcolm groaned beside me, tilting his head back, stretching it. "Hell, we've been walking forever." He slouched.

Felix turned to look at us from Jude's side. "We've had enough rest at the house. I'm tired of sitting around doing nothing when we could save our friends." Felix lightly glared at Malcolm, ignoring me, before turning around.

"This is what we get for sitting around and drinking all day," I said to Malcolm, who chuckled in response.


It's been two whole days. Two whole days of walking and Jude has still not talked to me.

"Either you like Jude's back or your angry at him." Malcolm stared at Jude's back with me trying to figure out why I was staring at him.

"I'm angry at him," I confirmed, averting my gaze. "He's been ignoring me for the longest and he still is! I don't know what I did wrong." I frowned.

"Why don't you ask him?" We both looked at Jude's back. His posture, straight as he walked forward, hands in his pants pocket, Felix talking his ear off.

"Hmm, I don't know why I never thought of that," I said sarcastically before sighing.

"I suggest you just give it some time. Jude can be...difficult." Malcolm assured.

"We have to rest, Felix," Jude spoke up causing me and Malcolm to look towards them.

"We can rest when we're dead!" Felix retorted, angrily.

"We are dead." Jude stood in front of Felix, staring at him with a blank expression.

"That's not the point!  We rested in that damn house for 7 months! We can't rest anymore!" Felix got into Jude's face. Malcolm and I walked closer to the two.

"Back off, Felix. Everyone's tired." Jude started glaring in hopes Felix would listen.

"Felix, calm down. It won't do any help if you're always angry." Malcolm intervened.

"Shut the hell up, Malcolm." Felix turned to face him. "You don't care about anyone but yourself. You didn't even want to come out here and help find Ren and Nathaniel in the first place!" Felix began shoving Malcolm.

"Felix, stop!" Felix ignored me and continued to badger Malcolm about how selfish he is.

I grabbed Felixs' arm trying to stop him but was knocked back when Felix shoved me.

Jude angrily grabbed Felix and threw him to the floor. Felix groaned from the impact.

"You need to calm yourself." Jude clenched his jaw, his eyes meeting mine for a split second before walking off.

I looked back at Malcolm and Felix to see they were just staring at each other, communicating through their eyes. I jogged to Jude falling into step beside him.

"You hate me." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"What?" Jude looked at me confused before he stopped walking.

"You hate me," I repeated. "Why else would you start ignoring me? Why else would you purposely push me away?" 

Jude's jaw clenched in anger. He was angry with himself about how he made me feel. "I don't hate you." He sighed. "It's the opposite, really." He confessed.

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