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Malcolm's POV

"Please stop!" I cried in agony as she hit me harder, my healing bruises turning purple again.

"YOU DUMB BITCH! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" My mother screamed, grabbing a nearby hanger and whipping it at me, unmercifully.

Please just kill me.

I cried harder as my skin stung from the impact. My skin turned red from my constant crying and beatings.

She threw the hanger to the side once it snapped and trudged closer to me.


"STOP! PLEASE STOP! I'M SORRY!" I cried, trying to push her away from me. I tried crawling away, my body sore from the beatings.

I'm so fucking weak.

"Stop moving." She struggled to rip my pants off until she was successful and shoved her hands down my pants.

Why me...? I'm your son. You're supposed to love and care for me. The voice inside my head pleaded with me to make it stop. I would if I could.

I squirmed and cried louder as she gripped my sex harder than she usually did.

"I SAID STOP MOVING!" She raged, slapping my face with her free hand. My head jerked to the side. 

I'm pathetic. I'm weak. I can't even stop her from doing this to me.

She took her hands out of my pants, shoving my face to the floor, and kneeling on my head preventing me from moving. She pulled my pants down as I tried to struggle out from under her, only for her to push down harder.

She ripped my pants off me. I became lightheaded, the pressure on my head too much for me to handle. She took this as an opportunity to flip me around and tie my hands behind my back.

I felt numb. My limbs flung around as she moved to tie them. I groaned in pain in hopes to try and regain full consciousness.

My tears were nonstop, my body betraying me, reacting the way she wants.

"I don't know why you're crying, you clearly like this." She forced herself on top of me, her hands on my now hard sex.

How could my body betray me like this again? I hate this! Why is my body liking it? 

"Please...stop." I gasped for air, forgetting to breathe in this traumatic moment.

 She watched maliciously, pumping her hand as she crouched over me.

I lay on my arms, uncomfortable. My legs squirmed around, trying to get her off me. I tried breaking free from my restraints with no luck.

Her free hand now gripped my chin, holding my head in place, looking straight at her. "Look at what a weak, pathetic boy you are. You can't even fight off your own mother." She leaned closer, I moved my head back and forth getting my head out of her grip. 

I screamed as she gripped my sex harder, her hand speeding up. She smirked at my pained yet pleasured expression. 

I fucking hate myself. Why does my body react so differently from how I want?

I took in a deep breath as she readied herself on top of me. I'm going to escape. I don't care how, I've had enough.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU!! GET OFF ME!" I screamed at her as loud as I could and sat up quickly, head-butting her with all the strength I had left.

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