Too Many Secrets

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Shane watched the blood wash down the sink in disbelief. He didn't understand why, but his nose had started bleeding and wouldn't stop. His head was pounding in pain and his vision was starting to blur. The world seemed to be spinning around randomly, making him lose his balance. Behind all the pain that building up inside his skull was confusion. 

He sunk to the floor before nausea could overtake him while holding onto the side of the bathtub. He slowly took a breath and felt his chest expand with great strain, but at least he didn't feel like he was going to pass out now. He attempted to gather the strength to get up but he couldn't bring himself to move.

Shane coughed into his hands and looked down, horrified to see more blood. He was getting desperate for answers, for a solution. What if Ryan were to find him like this? He looked at the ceiling at begged himself to find the power to get up. All he needed to do was get the power to stand and get in the bath. Everything would be fine if he could just make it to the bath...


Ricky looked like he was about to go with the story, but then he abruptly stopped and looked at the door. Ryan followed his gaze but didn't see anything. It felt strange to have long of a conversation with Ricky, especially after how opposed he was to Ryan this morning. Maybe this was a gift from God... or satan? Wow, he really needed to learn more about how Hell worked. Luckily, he had a boyfriend who wanted to be a history teacher who could teach him all about it.

"Shane's coming" Ricky said. Ryan couldn't figure out why, but Ricky sounded worried. Didn't he come here just to talk to Shane? Before Ryan could think about it anymore, Ricky was hastily shoving the paper and books back into the box. This confused Ryan, but he went along with it and helped him. He caught glimpses of the papers which seemed to be letters. He recognized some of them as Shane's handwriting but most them were from other people. He would have to do more investigating later, hopefully with Ricky there to explain it all. 

Ricky had heard something moving upstairs, someone was moving towards the bedroom door. He could only assume it was Shane coming out to look for Ryan. It was strange to see human limitations, even if they were small. For instance, Ryan couldn't hear as well demons could. It was a small difference, but still odd to think about. Ricky couldn't deny that he was intrigued by how humans worked but he wouldn't let anyone know. Besides, he didn't plan on going back up to the human world anytime soon, so hoping to learn more about them wasn't really plausible. 

"What's wrong?" Ryan asked, clueless as to why Ricky seemed so worried.

"Shane really doesn't like to talk about this stuff" Ricky explained while shoving the box back under the bed. "Now, come on" Ricky instructed, standing up and speed walking to the door. The more Ryan talked to him, the more he realized how similar he and Shane were. They had a lot of the same verbal cues and little movements. It was to be expected, though. 

Ryan felt guilty for looking through this stuff now knowing that Shane didn't want to talk about it. He wanted to know everything about Shane's life, sure, but he wanted Shane to tell him about it. 

Ricky saw this as a small victory. He took solace in the fact he knew more about Shane than Ryan did but he would never tell either of them that. Shane wasn't known for being an oversharer so knowing any information about him showed he trusted you a lot. So far, it didn't seem like Ryan knew all that much. Point Ricky. 

Ryan followed Ricky out of the room and into the living room. He kept checking over his shoulder for Shane, expecting him to pop up any moment. 

"So... what's your rank?" Ryan asked, eager to keep the conversation going. Ricky was in a talkative mood right now so Ryan wanted to get as much information as he could before he stop talking again. 

"An eight" He responded, sitting on the couch. "Shane's a nine" He added as if reading Ryan's mind. It was interesting to see how Ryan reacted to things because most demons would be long gone at this point. Ryan had no idea what these numbers really meant. 

That was when he connected the dots. The whole reason he was talking to Ryan was to figure out what Shane saw in him. Up until this point, Ricky couldn't fathom it, but it clicked. Shane was constantly on the search for a new high, a new perspective, something different. Ryan saw the world in a completely different light. He saw this world through the lens of someone who had never experienced it, he came from a world Shane knew almost nothing about. All of it together was Shane's perfect person. 

He heard the creak upstairs again, but this time he started to get suspicious. It seemed like Shane was walking over the same spot over and over. He stopped and listened for a few more moments and decided to have Ryan check on him. 

"Go see what Shane's doing, he should've been down by now" Ricky said, feeling a shift in the air. Something was wrong, but he couldn't pinpoint what it was. 

Ryan thought it was odd he used such a demanding tone, but he brushed it off. It was no time to be getting offended over the little things especially when it was going so well with Ricky.

He went up the stair, proud of himself for being able to find it so quickly. Why did Ricky sound so concerned about Shane? Ryan knew what it felt like to be anxious which brought a sense of closeness. Shane said a while ago that he and Ricky would get along because they both worried about him so much, it seems like he was right. It was an odd thing to bond over, but at least they were bonding. 

Ryan opened the door slowly and to his surprise Shane was nowhere to be seen. He scanned the room again and went inside before making his way towards the bathroom that was attached to the room. He saw the light was on and he heard the water running. There was a slight nagging sense of something being wrong but he ignored it for now and opened the door.

"Hey, Ricky's here-" He stopped cold. Shane was lying on the floor unconscious. The tub was overflowing with water and spilling around his body. There was blood on the sink, but his vision was zeroed in on Shane. 

"SHANE" He screamed, loud enough for Ricky to hear downstairs. He rushed to Shane's side and lifted up his head, thankfully he could his breath rising and falling, albeit at a slow rate. Ryan's hands were shaking but he forced himself to be steady, he had to be there for Shane.

Ricky was there in just a few seconds, his eyes going wide with worry. He was shocked, confused, and for some godforsaken reason angry.  

Ryan to Ricky, hoping he a solution, or an explanation, or something, but he was just as clueless.

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