Classic Miscommunication

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Shane came down down the stairs with one single goal in his mind, to find Ryan. He ignored all of Ricky's nervous jabbering as they pushed their way through the hoard of people. There was no use stopping to make polite conversation with any of these people anyway. If Ricky could plow through life with such a careless attitude, he could try for one night. The only person he even wanted to see was Ryan. 

"Where is he?" Shane asked as he looked over everyone's heads again. Ryan wasn't anywhere. 

"Let's split up; cover more ground" Ricky explained quickly before breaking off. The one time Ricky actually wanted Ryan to be there, he was nowhere to be found. The human was endlessly annoying even when he wasn't present. 

Shane nodded and went towards the balcony. It was insufferably hot in the room with so many people running around. It didn't help that they kept trying to stop him. 

Finally, he made it to the gate and the bouncer wordlessly let him in. He didn't think Ryan would go all the way back here but-

There he was. A girl's arm was around him and she was laughing. Shane knew he's seen her before, she might be an intern or something, but that didn't matter. All he knew was that she was touching Ryan and she was so happy. 

Ryan probably told her one of his dumb jokes, he was probably telling her a story Shane already knew every detail of. Yet Ryan was staring at her, his eyes crinkling slightly as he grinned. 

"Madej!" Gina exclaimed, catching his gaze. "You wanted to meet him, right?" she asked, turning to Ryan. He didn't bother turning around to meet Shane. His frustration with the whole situation had only grown over time. 

Shane snarled at the sight of her arm around Ryan, and he made that much clear. "Get the fuck away from him" 

She was shocked by his anger but followed the directions anyway. Shane was usually the nice one, why was he so furious right now? The thing that was even more peculiar was that Ryan had no reaction to this outburst. 

"Shane?" Gina asked, confused. 

"Don't ever- EVER touch him again" Shane demanded, his eyes flashing a deep red for a split second. He didn't spare her a second glance as he turned his attention to Ryan.  

"What the hell?" was all he could ask. Ryan narrowed his eyes up at Shane in anger. 

"You left me" Ryan spat bitterly. 

"For 5 minutes" Shane whisper-yelled in response. 

"It's been an hour" Ryan shot back. "You ran off with Ricky"

"Hold on," Gina said interjecting. "Why do you care what Ryan's doing so much?" she kept her voice as steady as possible, but the shake was inevitable. She never really had a full conversation with Shane before and this defiantly wasn't the best way to start. 

Shane forced out a laugh. "Wow. You didn't tell her we were dating"

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, it's not like that" 

"WHAT" Gina was completely speechless. Dating?? She was fucked.

"It's not like what? I walk away for a little bit and suddenly you have some girl hanging around your neck that you just forget to tell you were dating someone?"

Robert watched with great joy as Gina scurried off without a second thought. Her mind was racing endlessly as she wondered what was going to happen. She would probably be fired first of all, but what else? 

"Don't act like I'm the bad guy" Ryan responded. "I told her I had a boyfriend, she was just being friendly"

Shane ran his hand through his hair and sighed heavily. "I knew going to this party was a mistake"

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