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Shane and Ryan were in the bedroom, trying to decide what to wear. He was on edge because nothing had gone wrong yet. Everything was great right now and he couldn't help but wonder when it would all be ruined again. He tried to shake the thoughts from his head but there was nothing that could override the anxiety. 

"Last time we were there you had to fight off a demon," Ryan said casually to distract himself from the growing anxieties. Shane was always a good distraction. "So... prepare for that I guess?" 

Shane chuckled and turned around as Ryan got dressed. he pulled on a pair of black jeans and scrounged around for a shirt. "I'll keep that in mind"

Ryan cocked his head to the side slightly. "Why are you turning around?" 

"I'm just being a gentleman" Shane explained, thinking Ryan's question was odd. Sure, they shared a bed last night, but he wasn't sure how comfortable Ryan was with him yet. 

"Oh my god" Ryan laughed out, pulling a shirt over his head. "You don't remember, do you?"

"Remember what?" Shane asked, now turning around. Once again, the question was odd. Of course he didn't remember. 

"We've slept together, silly" 

"We have?" Shane was bewildered. Why? He didn't know. It just felt shocking for whatever reason.

"Is it that much of a surprise?" Ryan asked, wrapping his arms around Shane's shoulders. 

"Yes? No? I don't know, it's just weird to be told you've slept with someone when you can't remember it" He tried to articulate what he was feeling, but there were no exact words for the weird feeling. He put his hands on Ryan's waist and kissed the top of his head. "Not bad weird, of course"

Ryan laughed quietly, understanding what Shane was trying to say. "I would hope not"

Before they left, Ryan grabbed a duffle bag filled with his ghost hunting equipment. You never know when you'll need an ouija board.

A little while later, they arrived at the movie theater. It wasn't at all like Ryan remembered. Before, it was a desolate place with no sign of human life outside of the old man that ran the place. Now it had flashing lights and a crowded parking lot. 

He worried slightly that because it had changed so much that it wouldn't spark any memories for Shane, but they still had to try. Shane stared out the window, trying to remember anything. He was quickly getting frustrated by the lack of progress. 

Ryan wordlessly put his hand over Shane's as they parked the car. He couldn't pretend to understand what Shane was going through, but he did understand what it felt like to be lost. And when he felt that way, he just wanted someone he could trust to be by his side. Hopefully, he could be that person for Shane. 

They walked in, Ryan noticing all the changes and Shane trying to find something familiar. The old man was still at the front desk, this time looking much happier than the last. His face lit up when he saw the pair. 

"Hey! You're the ghost hunters!" He called out, waving them over. Shane smiled and pulled Shane along to approach the man. 

"Hello" Ryan waved with a smile. Shane stared intently at the man, thinking his face was vaguely familiar. 

"Let me tell ya, I don't what you did to my theater, but ever since you left, business has never been better!"  

Ryan figured it had something to do with the fact that Shane sent the demon that had been scaring off all the customers, but he wouldn't say that. Instead, he smiled and laughed. 

"Just doing our job" Ryan replied. Shane rolled his eyes at the modesty.

"Here, I never repaid you for that, so how about you guys theater room 4 all to yourselves, eh? Free of charge" He offered. 

"I knew ghost hunting would pay off one day" Ryan joked, accepting the offer with a smile. Shane admired how excited he was for something so simple, it was adorable. 

Ryan dragged Shane to the theater, it was the same one they had been the first time. The room itself hadn't changed all that much. Shane made them stop by concessions and grab some popcorn, but after they shut themselves into the theater. There was a catalog of a bunch of different movies they could choose from, but Ryan had different plans. 

He reached into the bag he brought and pulled out the ouija board. 

Shane laughed at the sight. "What are you trying to do, weirdo?" 

"I'm not a weirdo, this is what we did when we were here last time"

"That does not make you less of a weirdo. This was your plan to seduce me?" He asked.

"Well it worked, didn't it?" Ryan shot back with a triumphant smile. He won this round. 

"So what, are we going to try and talk to satan or something?" Shane joked. Ryan looked up with one eyebrow raised as if he were asking if that was a possibility. "No, Ryan. We are not contacting the devil" 

"You never let me have any fun" Ryan pouted, to which Shane rolled his eyes. "But whatever, who are we trying to contact?"

"I don't know, this was your idea" Shane reminded him. He was already aware that there were no other entities nearby, so trying to find a ghost would be a fruitless effort. Still, he would Ryan have his fun. "Any dead people you want to talk to?"

Ryan thought for a moment. "Actually yeah, there's this guy I always wanted to know what happened to him"

"Who is it?"

"C.C Tinsely"


Mari had been wanting to fight Shane for a very long time, and the only thing that had been stopping her was Goldsworth. She never admit to him, but she was grateful that Ricky wouldn't tell her where Shane was because it added to the excitement. The thrill of the chase was half the battle, after all. 

She knew it wouldn't be as simple as finding him at his house, but she had to check anyway. A good assassin was always thorough and Mari was the best. She wasted no time entering the house with a simple lock-picking trick and began searching. There was no Shane, but she did find a rather incriminating notebook. 

A small chain fell out of it, and she snatched it up quickly. Mari knew that this was necklace and notebook were sensitive information which could only mean one thing: she could use it as blackmail. Having dirt on someone like Madej would definitely help her rise up in the company. 

She pocket the items and moved on to her next hunch. She didn't lie to Ricky when she told him about the rumors, but she didn't tell him everything either. It was obvious Shane had been going to the human world for quite some time, that much was evident from the smell on his clothes and that human he had been seen with. 

It wouldn't hurt to learn more about that, so she found the closest mirror and decided to turn it into a portal. It was a trick not commonly used, but it was a power exclusive to demons and other naturally born supernatural beings. 

She ran her hands over the border of the mirror and stepped in, holding her breath as she did. Mari's heart was beating out of her chest, but she kept it under control as much as she could. She heard a slight ringing in her ears as she entered the overworld, a sure sign that someone was using an ouija board nearby. 

She was going to ignore it before she noticed that she was starving. Setting up a portal for the first time took a much greater toll on her than she thought it would. The signal from the ouija board was connected to a human, so she decided to stop for a snack break. 

She took inventory of her surroundings and saw she was in a public bathroom, staring at herself in the mirror. Mari awkwardly rolled her shoulders as her wings and horns retracted. She couldn't understand why anyone would like to be in a human form. It was like she was standing armorless on enemy territory. 

She walked out, ignoring all the humans she saw. Her sights were focused on the one messing around with the Ouija board, she licked her lips at the thought. 

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