End Of The Line

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"Why are you even following me? You've made your choice" Ricky said, walking out into the parking lot with Shane close on his heels. This was how their fights always went and there was something weirdly nostalgic about how it was all playing out. The only thing that was different was that Shane wasn't immediately giving in. 

"Come on, don't be mad at me" Shane pleaded, running in front of Ricky and forcing him to stop. There was no reason for them to be fighting right now, and Shane was sure if they just talked about it the issue would be solved. Ricky understood that there was so much more beyond the surface of this argument that Shane wasn't even considering. 

Ricky stopped in his tracks and looked up at Shane with irritation in his brown eyes. "Why do you keep choosing him? After everything I've done for you" 

Shane physically cringed at the accusation and the subsequent blaming. He knew that was exactly what Ricky was going to say. 

Ricky continued. "You are unbelievably selfish" 

"I'll come to work, okay?!" Shane exclaimed, feeling defeated. "I'm sorry" What was Ryan going to say about this? Shane didn't really want to come into work, but Ricky had a point. The guilt of leaving Ricky for Ryan weighed on his chest more heavily now than ever. 

Ricky sighed. "Let's go then" his mood was instantly lifted. Despite everything, Shane was the same pushover he had always been. With only a little nudge, he was back in Ricky's hands. It was manipulation if it was what's best for Shane. That was his philosophy, anyway. 

They entered the apartment again, Shane's head was down. He couldn't look Ryan in the eye. There was stiffness in the air as a sick smile formed on Ricky's lips. Ryan noticed the smirk and already knew what they were going to say. 

"Go on without me" Shane whispered to Ricky, looking down in dejection. Ricky wiped the self-satisfied grin off his face and stepped through the portal, but not before winking at Ryan. I win

Shane took a seat next to Ryan, feeling like he didn't deserve to be there. The perfect person was just sitting there and he was deciding to leave for Hell: a place he absolutely hated. There was nothing more he wanted to do than stay here with Ryan, but there was an obligation he had to Ricky. At the very least he owed him this much. 

"Ryan, my love, the most amazing person in the world-"

"You're going to work, aren't you?" Ryan asked, not bothering to hide his irritated expression. 

"For a little bit" Shane admitted, putting his hand over Ryan's. He shrugged off Shane's touch and awaited a further explanation. "I can't just ignore Ricky, after all we've been through... it would be cruel to just blow him off"

"Does he make you make you happy?" Ryan asked, staring at the portal. He could almost hear it beckoning Shane to come back to hell. He was the only thing grounding him to the overworld and he was losing the battle.

"What do you mean?" Shane asked, biting the inside of his cheek.

"The other day you told me that you were reconsidering your relationship with Ricky because he didn't make you happy anymore. So are you doing this because you want to, or because you feel bad?" Ryan tried to keep his voice steady through the explanation but it was difficult to hide the pain. Things were so complicated and grueling lately and he thought this weekend would be the one time they could pretend everything was normal. 

Shane was left speechless. He didn't think Ryan would use his words against him, but he was making sense.

"You don't have to answer," Ryan said quietly before gesturing to the mirror. "Don't keep him waiting"

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