Endless Possibilities

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"Aaaaaand," Shane said, hovering his mouse over the post button. "Done" he clicked it. The first episode of the new season of BuzzFeed unsolved was up. Ryan was leaning over his shoulder, watching with excitement. So much had happened recently, it was nice to finally get something out of it. 

Ryan raised his hands up in triumph. Finally, after 3 grueling weeks, they finally got to reap the rewards. "We did it!"

Shane clapped. He was glad he got to see Ryan so happy with the finished product. "Good work everybody"

"Oh, we're not done yet" Ryan reminded him. "Next week we're going to San Jose" 

Shane raised his eyebrow. "Is there a haunted house or something there?"

"You'll see" was the only explanation Ryan offered. 

Shane narrowed his eyes. "What are you planning..?" Ryan was acting very suspicious right now. He couldn't deny that he was intrigued, though. 

"Good things come to those who wait" Ryan wasn't going to give Shane any hints. Mostly because he wanted to see the look on Shane's face when he realises they were going to visit a priest. 

Shane muttered something under his breath as he returned to his desk. 

The day went on without any more run-ins. Steven was on a special mission from Ryan to keep Shane as far away from him as possible. 

Shane was reading through a list of possible locations they were considering for Supernatural and chose a few of his favorites. Some of them even had familiar faces. Shane knew demons would sometimes pop up in specific locations in the overworld for vacations, which inevitably lead to ghosts following in after them. 

Shane knew all the places that would be active, but not too dangerous for Ryan. It was a delicate balance, but Shane was satisfied with the locations he had selected. He jotted down all the names and made his way to Ryan's desk to get approval. 

Steven stepped in front of him before he could reach Ryan. 

Shane raised one eyebrow. "Hello?" 

"Uh- hi," Steven said, trying to think of a lie to keep Shane away. "What'cha got there?"

"This? Just an idea to run by Ryan" Shane explained casually, trying to walk past steven.

"I had a question to ask you!" Steven said without thinking of what he could possibly say. He really wasn't prepared to be distracting Shane for this long. 

"Go on" Shane prompted, stopping momentarily. He thought steven was acting pretty suspicious, but there was no harm in listening to him. 

"Me and some friends we're going to go to this thing" He drew out every word to buy himself more time. Then he remembered a flyer he saw. "Speed dating! Yeah, that's what it was. Did you want to come with me?"

Shane glanced over at Ryan's desk. "I'll pass"

Steven pushed the narrative forward. "Why not? You're not dating anyone, right?" 

Shane hesitated. "Well, no..."

"Then come on! It's nothing serious, just go out and have some fun to celebrate the premiere of Unsolved" Steven kept himself talking. He was quite proud of the distraction he was able to produce out of thin air. 

Shane rocked back and forth on his feet. On one hand, it would be nice to get out some. He hadn't made much progress finding an apartment, so being couped in that motel was starting to drive him crazy. On the other, he was focused on Ryan. He didn't want to make Ryan doubt his intentions, although he thought he had made his feelings abundantly clear. Maybe making Ryan jealous would make him realize his feelings for Shane. 

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