I Trusted You

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"Ricky? What are you doing here?" Shane asked as he rubbed his eyes. He could barely see his silhouette in the dim light, but it was undoubtedly him. Ricky tensed his whole body but forced himself to walk into the bedroom. It was too late to back out now that everything was set in motion. 

"Shane I have to tell you something" Ricky pushed out of his throat as his heart pounded. The box lay in his hands, but that wasn't his focus right now. He had to test a theory.

"What is it?" Shane inquired, eyeing the box for a moment but his gaze quickly returned to Ricky. he couldn't exactly make out his expression, but Shane had a hunch that it was indifferent as always. 

There was something odd about his presence but Shane couldn't put his finger on it. The energy in the room was tense and out of place but he elected to ignore it. 

"Do you love me?" He asked flatly, not looking at Shane but instead focusing on the wall. 

"What? Of course I do" Shane responded. "Stop being ridiculous" 

"No," Ricky said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I mean, do you love me as more than a friend?"

"Ricky..." Shane started, sitting up to look Ricky in the eyes. He knew this question was coming, but he didn't have a speech prepared. "You know I love Ryan-"

"Yes or no, I don't need an explanation" Ricky snipped back as he clenched his fists and his grip tightened around the box. He didn't know if he could bear an explanation. 

Shane furrowed his brow but followed the instructions. "No"

"Would you have dated me if I asked before you met Ryan?" Ricky moved the questions along quickly to prevent any awkward silences. Or maybe it was so he didn't have to think about quickly Shane was able to answer the question. 

"If I'm being honest, yeah probably" He replied, sighing. "Is it going to be weird now?" he thought back to the months leading up to meeting Ryan. He was by no means in love with Ricky, but he was all he had back in Hell. 

"No, it doesn't have to be," Ricky said with a small sad smile.

"Good," Shane said, placing his hand on Ricky's shoulder in an attempt to make things feel less tense. "What do you have there?" He asked, gesturing to the box Ricky was holding. 

"Rose came by" He lied through his teeth, thankful Shane couldn't see his pained expression. The windows were blocked out by the curtains and all the lights were out so Shane's headache wouldn't get any worse. "She said this will help with the withdraws" 

"Oh," Shane responded tiredly, trying to make out what Ricky was holding. "What is it?"

"Just a quick shot" He assured him, getting a vial out and taking Shane's arm in his gently. "It'll be over before you know it" 

Shane leaned back and allowed Ricky to give him the shot, a slight smile on his face. He thought about the prospect of a magical medicine that would make this illness melt away so he would never have to choose between Hell and the overworld. 

Ricky finished the shot and put the needle back into the box, his hands shaking. 

"Is something wrong..?" Shane asked, feeling much more drowsy. Ricky felt the weight of the situation weigh on heavily as he stared into Shane's wide, confused eyes. He trusted Ricky so much, only for him to take advantage of him.

Ricky fought the tears that were bordering on his eyelids. "You're gonna be fine" 

"Ricky..." Shane breathed out, feeling his head cloud and distort. "What's happening?" He was still holding out hope that Ricky didn't do anything bad but the hope slowly dissipated as he felt himself sink. 

Ricky put his hand over his own mouth to stop the sob that was trying to escape his throat. Shane's speech was slurring as he slowly laid back down. His eyes fluttered for a moment before he finally gave in, allowing the sleep to drag him out of reality. But he wasn't asleep. He was trapped in his own mind, able to hear everything but unable to move. He was put into a coma-like state as he felt his memories drift away while desperately trying to cling to them. Eventually, he forgot what he was even fighting for. 

Ricky watched Shane silently and felt regret. Maybe all of this was a mistake. There was no use dwelling on it now, what's done is done. All he could do was deal with the consequences and pray everything turned out as he envisioned. 

He cleared his thoughts by removing himself from the situation. He had to keep his emotions out of this if he wanted to do an efficient job. Wrapping his arms around Shane, he gathered the strength to pick him up. All he needed to do was get back to hell and smash that mirror and everything could return to normal...


Ryan entered the apartment for his lunch break, planning to check on Shane to see how bad it was. If Shane was sick enough, he would stay the rest of the day. Work was the last thing on his mind right now.

The living room was dark and the whole unit felt empty. Ryan fumbled around for a moment searching for the light switch and cocked his head in confusion at the sight he was greeted with. His mirror was smashed to pieces and no one was in the house. He knelt down to investigate the shards, his hands slightly shaking. Where was Shane? 

He could see a small stain of blood on the bed, no doubt from the nose bleeds Shane got when he fell ill. Ryan saw a small wooden box hidden the bed and rushed to open it, desperate for any clue as to where Shane was. He guessed it was probably Hell, but with the mirror broken he wasn't sure how to get there. 

Inside the box was one full syringe filled with a mysterious black liquid alongside one empty one. Beside them was a small notecard with what looked like to be a list of side effects, handwritten in cursive. 

Warning! Do not give to demons over level 7 or results may vary. Memories may return if kept around people/places/items with strong sentimental value. To keep memories permanently erased, make sure the subject is secluded for at least 72 hours. 

Ryan stared down at the card, attempting to piece together a story. Erasing memories? He knew both Ricky and Shane were over level 7, which meant if either of them had been dosed something was wrong. He glanced at the empty vial and a shiver went down his spine. 

Panic rose as he stood up and looked for more evidence across the room, but there was nothing else to indicate where Shane had gone. He swiftly tucked the box into his bag and rushed out to the living room. Desperately he looked around the area of the broken mirror and tried to recall what Shane had said about portals. He knew how to use one, but he didn't know what classified as a portal.

He glanced outside and saw the lake that was next to his apartment. Shane had mentioned something about bodies of water being portals to the underworld... but that was insane! Was he really about to walk into a literal lake just for the chance of it being a portal? 

Yes. Yes he was. 

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