Saving Face

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They finished the movie and Shane eagerly awaited Ryan's review of it. He didn't know why he valued this human's opinion so much, but it was as if an invisible force was drawing him towards Ryan. 

"It was cute, but that's not what I'm doing to you" Ryan joked. Shane narrowed his eyes suspiciously and decided to play a game. Ryan knew that look in his eyes and prepared himself, excited to see a glimpse of the Shane he knew. 

"Prove it, then" He challenged. "Prove we were actually dating"

Ryan raised one eyebrow and thought about how he would do that. His first instinct was to point to the chain he had bought Shane, but he noticed it was missing from his neck. 

"Where's the necklace I bought you?" Ryan said, a tinge of sadness in his tone. Shane put his hand on his chest as if the chain might materialize, but as expected nothing was there so he responded with a shrug. 

Ryan furrowed his brow and tightened his grip on Shane's hand. This was another piece of evidence that could help him figure who did this to Shane. His mind ran around possible suspects but he quickly turned his focus back to the task at hand.

"Oh," Ryan said, remembering the mark on his neck. He pulled the collar of his shirt down slightly to reveal the mark Shane had put on him not long ago. "This is proof"

Shane stared at it for a moment before he fully registered what it was. "Is that my mark?" He asked, already knowing the answer. He removed his hand from Ryan's, then moved it to his neck. Ryan felt goosebumps forming on the back of his neck like Shane was touching him for the first time. 

"Yeah" Ryan breathed out. Shane continued to stare at the mark in an attempt to figure out how the hell it happened. He met Ryan's eyes and felt his heart beating faster. This didn't make any sense, who was this human? 

Shane didn't date. Shane didn't fall in love. Shane certainly didn't mark humans and let them make him feel like this. But somehow, he blacked out and woke up to find that all of these things were true. It was terrifying. It was exhilarating. 

"So..." Shane said, darting his eyes to the ground and drawing his hand away from Ryan's neck. There was no doubt that this situation was exciting, but it was much more alarming. He had no clue what it really meant to be someone's partner, and he barely knew who Ryan even was. "Tell me, how did we meet?"

"Oh well," Ryan began, noting Shane's hesitation but continuing his explanation nonetheless. "You wanted to go on a vacation to the human world and needed somewhere to stay. You kinda just... appeared in my apartment"

Shane laughed. "Really?"

Ryan smiled, looking back on a memory only he could recall. "Yes, I was fucking terrified" 

"Then what?" Shane asked, leaning forward slightly like a child eager to hear a bedtime story. He could tell by the way Ryan told the story that he really cherished the time Shane couldn't remember. 

"Well we entered a contract; as long as you were staying in my apartment you would protect me" He continued.

"Protection? From what?" Shane inquired. The more he heard about the past few months of his life, the more interesting it became. It was hard to believe it was true but something about the way Ryan talked about it compelled him to accept it as truth. 

"Oh I forgot, you don't know" Ryan held back a smile. "I'm a ghost hunter"

"A fucking what?" Shane laughed loudly, there was no way this was true. 

"Hey! don't laugh, I'm really good at it" Ryan joked, pushing Shane's arm affectionately. "Asshole"

"A ghost hunter" Shane repeated in disbelief. "You have to be making this up" 

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