The Pharaoh: Part 5

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We ran back onto the scene to see Alya was on the beam, raising her up into the clouds while Ladybug was surrounded by mummies. I thought I froze all of them! Preparing to attack the mummies in front of Ladybug a shadow looms over us and we turned around with shocked faces to see three mummies holding a car up. They threw it down at us when I felt a wire push against my ankle as it's shoved into Chat Noir's ankle and we're dragged out of the way by Ladybug.

"Chat Noir! (s/n)! This way!" We run and slide under the bus while Ladybug runs in, soon newly mummified people start entering the bus just as Ladybug exited it. Chat and I push the bus until it falls to its side, trapping the mummies.

"We have to save Alya before she reaches the cloud of darkness," Ladybug states with a look of determination. I notice my gloves flashing as the dot on my index finger flashed before turning from grey to white. Four minutes left. "Let's hurry this along," With a nod we take off toward the beam, the Pharaoh's voice soon ringing out. "You will not stop me from bringing Nefertiti back! I'll finish you off! Anubis, give me mummies!" His face changes into a Pharaoh's Hound before lasers start shooting out of his eyes directly at us.

After a few dodges Ladybug throws her yoyo at him, tying him up as she tugged while I connected my knives to create the spear before Chat and I used our spear/ stick to launch ourselves onto the Louvre and start climbing up to get Alya.

"Horus, give me your wings!" Pharoah flies off, fragging Ladybug with him as they fly past us, shooting straight up into the sky. Suddenly we see something shiny start to fall down, Ladybug soon plummeting down with it as she shouts "Chat Noir! (s/n)! The pendant that's where the akuma is!" "Go!" I tell him and he jumps off the Louvre as I continue to climb.

Suddenly Pharoah swoops by me, grabbing me as he flies down in front of Ladybug and Chat Noir, his foot standing gently on his pendant before throwing me to the ground.

"Sekhmet, give me your strength!" His face changes into a lion and he claps, the sound wave causing all three of us to crash into the pavement as mummies start surrounding us. "It's over," We're told before Alya screams "LADYBUG SAVE ME!" Out of the corner of my eye, I notice another dot flash before turning white and I turn to Ladybug.

"Ladybug hurry up and use your lucky charm, we're running out of time!" "LUCKY CHARM!" A ladybug costume falls in her hands. "A Ladybug outfit?" Ladybug asks just as confused as me and Chat asks "That's our last hope?"

She opens the box and grabs two small trinkets before telling Pharoah "This offering isn't good enough for Nefertiti!" "HEY! Thanks a lot!" We hear Alya's complaint and I hold in my laughter, jeez Ladybug. "Too late Ladybug, the ritual has begun." "Set Alya free and sacrifice me instead. Wouldn't that be the sweetest revenge? Five-thousand years later. After all, I'm the one who kept Nefertiti from you all these years."

"It's true that you would make a much more precious offering than this mortal," He offers Ladybug a hand and she gladly takes it. "Horus give me wings," His face turns into a falcon as they fly up to Alya who was tossed off the beam.

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