Kung Food: Part 1

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"You'll see (y/n) with this app, I'll say it just fine," Mari reassures me before pressing a button on her phone and she speaks "Welcome to my home, my name is Marinette," It loads for a minute and the app repeats what she says in Mandarin. She tries to say what the app said, soon getting a sound indicating she was wrong. Trying again, she gets it right.

"Nice," I compliment before she grabs the bouquet of purple flowers off the coffee table asking "Do you think he'll like them?" "Why wouldn't he? They look fine," I tell her, and she gives me a worried look as she exclaims "They can't be fine, they have to be perfect! My Mom's uncle is a super famous Chinese chef and he's very particular so things have to be just right," The doorbell rings and she tries to jump over the couch, resulting in her tripping and faceplanting, shaking my head at her I help her up before she answers the door.

"你好 (hello)," We hear as the door is opened. "你好," I respond back just like he said when Marinette offers him the flowers and tries to say hello. "Welcome Mari, you're at Nettes-Uh! Welcome to Marinette's, you're Chinese-no, no, in Mandarin," She messes up, soon trying to introduce herself in Mandarin but again messes up, resulting in her saying it to her phone before muttering how lame this was which it also picked up.

After hearing the phone say "This is so lame," In Mandarin, she tried to turn it off causing it to keep repeating it. Geez, she was nervous, grabbing her phone I turn it off before handing it back and gesturing for Mr. Cheng to come in. "I need some serious help..." She mutters before calling Alya and telling her she doesn't think she can handle it, after a moment even I'm confused when she says "Thank you! Wait a minute, what solution?" Curious, I pull out my phone and text Alya: 'What are you planning?' 'You'll see, 😉' She responds and I sigh, knowing her it'll be something that bugs Mari, like send Adrien over to help.

It didn't take long for the doorbell to ring, I had just set some drinks down and I answer the door and my eyes widen to see Adrien, she actually sent him. "Hi (y/n), is Marinette here?" I nod and call her over. "Hey Mari, come someone is here for you!" She comes over and her eyes widen as he gives her a wave.

"Hey, Marinette." "Adrien?! Huh...What are you?" She nervously asks and he bows. "Alya called me, she said you needed someone who speaks Mandarin, well translator at your service." "No. I mean yes! Uh...Where's Alya?" She asks before her phone pings, it was Alya. After introducing Adrien to Mr. Cheng, they talk for a bit before we have to head to the hotel for the cooking show, where in the car, they continued to talk.

"My English very bad, not like your Chinese," We suddenly hear and we all give him a surprised look. "I thought you couldn't speak English." "Me too," Adrien and Marinette say and h shakes his head "Oh no my English not good," We finally reach the hotel where we're met with paparazzi as we head inside soon to be met by Mayor Bourgeois. "Cheng Shifu, I am honored and delighted to have you here on our final show where you will have a chance to defeat all the other chefs who've competed thus far."

We're then directed to Alex, the host of the show who asks "Tell us Cheng Shifu, what dish will you be honoring the board today," Adrien quickly translates. "My dish is Celestial Soup." "Wow, we've heard of your legendary soup but today we actually get to taste it," After exchanging a few words with Adrien Mr. Cheng is led to the kitchen to cook.

"Thanks, Adrien, I'm totally sorry for bothering you for nothing. I really thought he couldn't speak English," Marinette speaks up and Adrien shrugs. "No problem Marinette. It was awesome to practice my Chinese. Especially with a sifu." "A what?" I ask and he explains. "Sifu, that means master in Chinese. Marinette's mom's uncle is a great master." "Ah, well still sorry Alya had to call you, I don't think either of us ever got your phone number," I exclaim when he pulls out his phone stating "Oh well, let's fix that," We do the same and quickly exchange numbers, Marinette awing at her phone.

"Well look who it is my favorite person Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I mean seriously? Does your Great Uncle really expect to win with a soup? It's not even a main dish, please! Doesn't he know how to make sushi like everyone else?" We hear Chloé say as she walks up rolling her eyes. "Japenese people make sushi Chloé, Cheng Sifu is Chinese," Adrien corrects her and so does Mari.

"Besides he's not like "everyone else" my Great Uncle is the best chef in the world. His soup is legendary." "Well, I despise soup." "Sounds like a personal problem, not his," I comment, crossing my arms and she scoffs.

"Don't you know? I'm on the jury. Your uncle will not be getting my vote for sure!" "Oh yeah? Well, he doesn't need your vote to win, there are other judges with much better taste than yours. Ha! Silly me, you don't have any taste I mean look at what you're wearing," Marinette completely roasts Chloé and she growls. "Don't talk about me like that. You made a big mistake," She storms off and Adrien turns towards Mari. "Wow, you really stood up for Cheng Sifu, he would've appreciated that." "I'm not sure, I don't think he likes me," She mutters.

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