The Mime: Part 1

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I walk up to the bakery after de-transforming, Flaake soon commenting "What Ladybug did for Alya was super cool," I nod before entering the building and head upstairs to find Alya about to knock. "Oh let me get that," I say, catching her attention as I unlock the door and we head inside.

"So what do we owe the pleasure?" I ask, leaning on the couch and she gives me an excited smile. "Girl, you will not believe what happened to me earlier, I have to show you and Marinette!" She squeals as we head upstairs and I call up to her. "Marinette, we're coming up!" "Girl, you will not believe what just happened to me!!!" Alya once again squeals before explaining what happened. "So Ladybug had just saved a bunch of workers from a supervillain and there were like a gazillion reporters waiting to interview her and that's when it happened!"

Pulling out her phone, she pulls out a video of Ladybug who addressed her directly. "Hey, aren't you Alya? The girl who writes the blog about me? The Ladyblog! I like your work, it's awesome, keep it up," She had said before taking off.

"Uh, that was super..." Marinette trails off before Alya finishes her thought. "Cool right?! Ladybug knows me and my blog!" She then starts to squeal about how awesome this was and I confirm it to get her to calm down. "Hang on, let me go grab my laptop. Oh and (y/n) I have that book you wanted to borrow." "Oh perfect," I say as I head down with her where she gives me the book and tells me about it when we hear Sabine call up. "Girls! You have a guest here for you!" "Send them up!" I shout back and we head back up to tell Mari.

"Uh girl who are you talking to?" I ask when we go to the roof to find her talking to herself? "Uh a pigeon, say hello to Alya and (y/n) Jaq." "Say goodbye Jaq, and come down, you have a visitor," Alya says as we head back down to see Mylène and Mr. Haprèle waiting for us.

"What did you say the name of the play was again Mr. Haprèle?" "Well it's-" "It's called The Mime's Extraordinary Adventures starring the most talented amazingly awesome actor and mime: My father! Give it up for Fred Haprèle!" We all clap for him and he thanks us. "Well, congratulations, you must make your daughter very proud."

"Now all I need is my hat to complete my costume," He says and Mari grabs a hat she had been working on all day yesterday. "Here it is." "Oh thank you, Marinette, saving me in the last minute," He then does a bit of finding his hat and once again clap. "I don't think Mylène was exaggerating at all," I say and Marinette tells him what she did. "I fixed the tear in it, I also sewed the pocket on the inside like you asked." "You did the perfect job. Thanks to you I'll have my good luck charm right next to me at all times: a photo of my beloved daughter," He tucks the photo in the pocket and puts on his hat when his phone rings. "Hello, Sarah. I had to pick up my hat. It's not an excuse, I know the bus is leaving in a half-hour, I'll be there," He hangs up and with a wave heads out.

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