Luka chapter nine

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I walk into the classroom Juleka's class was in to see everyone setting up for their movie. The class had wanted to make a movie for the film festival and she had asked me to help (y/n) with the soundtrack. It had been a few weeks since then and we had recorded a few things in preparation.

After some time preparing the room we start to film though it wasn't long before we realized we weren't getting through the first scene for a while. Once again Mylène jumps up in fright and we stop filming. "I'm sorry...I-I'm gonna do better on the next take I promise," Mylène told us, and though we all knew she'd try there was no guarantee. "You're playing a hero from the special forces, you're not supposed to get all freaked out." Nino points out and Mylène shudders when she glances at the monster mask. "I know but that monster mask he's wearing is so realistic and scary." "It's just big ol' me Mylène, nothin' to be scared of," Ivan tries to reassure Mylène, sticking his fingers through the mask's eye holes. "If you ask me, he doesn't even need a mask," Chloé mocks with a laugh. "Ivan put the mask back on, you're playing the monster! And Mylène we need you to stay in character."

Mylène gives Ivan a scared look before closing her eyes and starts singing, slowly backing up. "I need to sing my happy song, it always makes me feel better...Smelly wolf, smelly wolf stinky breath and slimy-" She accidentally bumped into Adrien, scaring her, causing Chloé to stand up and mock her.

"Anyone going to go after her?" (y/n) asks once Mylène runs out of the room while the rest of us glared at Chloé. Ivan runs out of the room and Nino starts scolding Chloé. It wasn't long before Ivan came back yelling at Chloé for making Mylène cry and an argument broke out. If this continues we'll never get the movie. "Fighting isn't going to bring Mylène back. I'm the producer and I'm gonna do everything in my power to finish filming tonight!" Marinette exclaims. "The deadline for the Parsian student short film festival is tomorrow evening precisely twenty-six hours, fifteen minutes, and fourteen-thirteen seconds from now."

Max points and Mari thanks him for that tidbit. "And we still have editing, post-sound, soundtrack..." Marinette trails off and I point out. "Which we can't work on unless the scenes are done and we're getting tired of listening to the same track over and over," Marinette lets out a sigh as Adrien asks who's gonna take Mylène's role.

"But who's gonna take Mylène's part?" "Um me of course," Chloé interjects and Alya scoffs. "You haven't even read the script." "Of course I have. The first scene anyway, I can even tell you that it ends with a kiss between Agent Smith and Officer Jones," Chloé stated, confusing almost everyone. (y/n) pulls out the script and I look over her shoulder to find in fact there was a kiss scene that we hadn't been told about. "That's new," I mutter, and (y/n) nods before shouting "Hey, Alya! What's with the script change? Luka and I don't have a track prepared for this, why weren't we told sooner?" Alya couldn't even answer because Mari was telling her something and then Nino admitted he made the change, leading to more arguing.

"Oh, who cares who wrote what, we've got to film this thing right?" Chloé points out, Marinette pulling Alya to the back to talk, (y/n) getting up stating "I'm gonna see where we are with getting this show on the road." "Hopefully soon," I respond, earning another nod as she talks to her friends. Within a few minutes (y/n) walking to the front of the classroom getting everyone's attention. "We can't let Mylène leave just like that it's wrong. We all chose her to play the leading female role and we're all in this movie together, she needs our support!" "Exactly! So let's go find her and bring her back!"

Mari chimes in and they start heading for the door when Chloé speaks up. "Always trying to save the day aren't you Marinette, (y/n). Good luck finding the filthy hole that scaredy cat's hiding in," Chloé laughs as Marinette storms out to find their friend. Just as (y/n) was about to join her I call out to her. "(y/n) if this kiss scene is happening we need to plan out the music now."

With a huff, she comes back up and we start writing and I apologize for keeping her from finding her friend. It wasn't long before another argument broke out because Marinette had a problem with Chloé playing the lead role, prompting (y/n) to send Chloé off for a nurse's outfit, Marinette taking the role before Chloé stomped back in yelling about being stabbed in the back when we heard a scream. "If this is another one of your silly ploys to get me out of the way you can forget it! Besides I-" Chloé starts to say when we hear another scream and we all run outside to see pink goo and Kim and Max were missing.

After exchanging a few words we go to the principal's office to find him missing. When we leave the room we not only find Marinette's phone, we find Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n). But what had caught my attention after Alya pointed it out was (y/n)'s purse/bag. Looking over it I confirm it's her's soon stating "We have to find them soon." "We will, but everyone needs to keep calm while we figure this out," (s/n) tells me and I sigh.

We continue looking around soon finding the monster who did this in the classroom everyone but the heroes run out of the room in fear when I notice my sister wasn't there. Panicking I run back into the classroom to find her smiling at the monster and I drag her out of the classroom.

The heroes fight the monster but it had got away with two students and after a bit more searching we track it down to the basement. "Is everyone here?!" (s/n) shouts when we find everyone in pink sacks and we do a headcount soon hearing everyone's voice, except (y/n)'s, Marinette's, and Adrien's.

"Adrien? Adrien?!" Ladybug shouts when we finally hear "Yeah, yeah! I'm fine!" Ladybug sighs in relief. "What about Marinette?" "Yeah, she's fine!" That's when I start shouting for her. "(y/n)? (y/n)! Where are you?!" "I'm over here! Just don't come any closer that creature never strays too far!" I hear her response and I sigh in relief. Apparently, all we needed to do to defeat the monster was sing Smelly Wolf and everyone was freed and the akuma was caught.

We were told to wait in the classroom while they made sure everyone was ok. I anxiously waited for (y/n) to walk through the door and hugged her tightly when she did as I tell her "You need to stop scaring me like this and stay safe." "Trust me I don't want to scare you but we both know no one is safe until Hawkmoth is brought down." "Then I guess I'll have to make it my job to protect you."

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