Part 2 Chapter 6

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An; Sorry for the 2 months delay my grandfather has been very sick and other things have been going on in my life. Thanks for reading <3 -Sam

I widened my eyes in shock. No could this be!?

"Don't worry, I'm not on the bad side," the dirty blonde said, dipping the metal canteen in her hand deeper into the water, before bringing it back up. "In fact, I came to help you guys out," she held her gaze on the canteen, while she screwed the lid back on. Bad people brought you to this place, but good people are here to get you out ."

The blonde at this point let out a small sigh and began to say something that sounded like she had rehearsed and said almost a hundred times. "You're probably confused about what's going on right now, but don't worry I'll explain everything when we reach safety," the blonde raised her head and looked at us full on, "Now fol- Violet!" Vivian yelled, rising to her feet and to her considerable height.

Tears of relief and joy began pooling at my eyes and roll down my cheeks, "You have absolutely no idea how happy am to see you," I hiccupped.

"And is that Henry!?" Vivian cried, looking at Henry's limp form.

I nodded and began easing him to the ground.

She inched closer to us "What the hell happened to him!?" she asked peering down at him, "It looks like someone cold-cocked him hard enough to make his head do a loop de loop."

Santana and I both l exchanged looks at Vivian's comment, "Ah that was an unfortunate accident," I answered, and Santana cast her blue eyes downwards to her dirty sneakers.

Vivian's gaze flicked between us and then she seemed to come to an understanding because she said, "I guess that really doesn't matter hun? What matters is that we get him to rise and shine, get the two of you some water, and then hightail it out of this steamy hell.

We both nodded eagerly with her in agreement and then hurried over to the water's cool edge and dipped our cupped hands under the clear surface, bringing the water to our lips and swallowing greedy gulps. The water was cool and pure and one of the best things I had ever drunk.

While we inhaled water like fish, Vivian's footsteps padded softly across the ground behind us. At one point, I lifted my head long enough to catch my breath, and as I did, I saw that Vivian had come around to Henry's right side and lowered herself beside him. After a quick examination, she began to rummage through the bag she wore at her side.

"Well Violet, at least you returned him in a better condition than you did the last time," she half-joked, and I winced internally at that memory. I could still see those gashes deep Danny had left running across Henry's chest when Henry had kidnapped me and attempted to take me to Greta for the sake of saving his sister.

I sat back from the water, my thirst satisfied. Santana was still going at it, though. She had probably become more dehydrate running from those men than I had to take my nice little nap on top of a griffon.

"Yeah, at least he isn't bleeding out or anything. He's just unconscious in the middle of a forest where man-eating beasts want to take a little nibble out of him." I said, and let out an exasperated laugh.

"No, if the Griffins got to him they would take more than just a nibble, more like a couple of big chunks. Oh, and by the way, who is the friend you got with you. Are you going to introduce her?" she said, gesturing in Santana's general direction with her free hand.

"Oh, her name is Santana." Santana raised her head from the water at the mention of her name. "She's from the other world. When she was getting sucked into the portal that took her to this world, I accidentally got sucked in too."

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