Part 2 Chapter 20

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When we exited the tent I turned left instead of going straight, which would've taken me to the stables. Santana trailed closely behind me, much to my irritation.

It was then it dawned on me that I had no idea where Amber was. I had been so upset about what Neeva said, I hadn't noticed her slip quietly away from us into the night.

The blue medical tent soon came into view. I stood outside it and listened for a moment. I couldn't here any of Henry's cries coming from inside it. I poked my head inside. Things look calmer than I had left them.

I turned towards Santana who looked a little bit more rested after her nap, but still, her blue eyes were dull and not completely focused.

"Wait here!"

Some of the Nurses were still up and about, but they were tending to other patients. I passed by the nurse who had kicked Amber and I out of the tent which, now really thinking hard about it, made no sense. The nurse had her back to me now and was standing in front of a shelf that contained jars of various liquids.

I had been wearing my hospital gown at the time so I had ever right to be in there. If anything, she should've told me to get back into my bed. What kind of nurse would do that unless... she wasn't actually a real nurse, to begin with?

Her head turned towards my direction and I quickly ducked down before she spotted me. She held a needle full of yellow liquid in her hand and walked behind the curtain. Shortly afterward I heard the sound of a short struggle and the sound of a body hitting the floor. I jumped up from my hiding place and rushed over to find Amber standing over the limp body of the nurse. She dusted off her hands and glanced up at me.

She saw the obvious question on my face and she looked down at the unconscious nurse again. "She was a spy for Greta, they're a lot of them planted in this camp. That's what my mission was, to discover the identity of the mole's and weed them out. Now say goodbye to my brother, I know where you are going after this."

"Ah okay," I said and my eyes landed on something lying beside the nurse on the ground, "What was in that needle?" I asked Amber, pointing to the needle that still held its yellow content that now laid on the ground.

"Don't know," Amber replied, but then added darkly, "But whatever it was, I'm going to use it on her and find out what exactly it was supposed to do to Henry. Whenever I'm done interrogating her that is," she picked it up and then glared ominously down at the unconscious nurse.

Two men entered the tent and lifted the women, who I was assuming was a fake nurse, and carried her out of the tent, while Amber and I watched. The way they moved was smooth and precise and I had no doubt they had no trouble blending in with the shadows outside.

Amber crack her knuckles and stretched arched her back for a quick stretch "Excuse me I got to get going , she was one of three that need to be immediately dealt with," she said and began to walk out of the tent, "Goodbye and don't go crazy on us," she called over her shoulder and then she was gone.

"I'll try not to," I said softly after her and walked behind the curtain and over to the bed that contained Henry's still body.

I bent over him and touched his face just under his eye. I slid my hand across his cheek all the way down to his chin and felt the prickle of his three-day-old stubble. His skin was cold and clammy under my touch.

I brushed some damp hair away from his head and lean down and kissed his forehead. "Goodbye," I whispered. I paused for a moment and my eyes were drawn to his lips, where his breath whistled in and out of.

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