Part 2 Chapter 34

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AN; Harrass me about the next date means harass me about the next date of release. Like, light my personal messaging up. I don't get notifications if someone posts on my wall. I have too many deadlines for college stuff and too much ADHD to keep track of this. Anyways here are two updates enjoy. And shoutout to Jayfeather464 for reminding me! Thanks for reading!- Sam(:

Amber reached the spot we had just left Arnold only moments before way before me. It was now blocked by multiple people shouting and raising weapons to attack something they themselves were blocking from view. Amber dropped all the channeling weapons on the ground, except for a small dagger and proceeded to run into the tussle of bodies that were fighting.

I hung back and waited and prepared myself to call on some friends from down below, although I wasn't sure if I could spare the energy that it would cost me.

I watched while one body, of a soldier from our side, got flung high into the air. He landed with a thud on the grass just inches from where I stood.

Not good! Not good!

Even a wind type had the ability to throw someone high and this far like that, even with the best channeling weapon money could buy, and I had a feeling Amber didn't do this. Whatever did that was a monster. A lot like a monster Arnold was.

Then the hairs on my arms and back of my neck began to rise when the air around me began to get a little bit of a charge to it. The tip of my tongue had begun to tingle when giant bolts of lightning began to rain down from the sky and onto the group of people fighting an unseen enemy.

When the lighting touched down, it was like watching a bunch of puppets getting there strings all cut at once. All the people just dropped to the ground while I watched, my mouth hanging open in awe. When lighting finally dissipated and a cloud of smoke and steam began to rise up from the ground. But before the smoke and steam came up and the lighting fading I swear I could see a couple of foreboding shapes in the form of Arnold's dolls, but instead of three I swear I could see at least a dozen.

"Amber!?" I called out after a couple of silent seconds, worried when I didn't see her through the steam rising up from the spots the bolts had touched down. The smell of burnt and hair and singed flesh was heavy in the air and it made me slightly queasy. I couldn't imagine how I would be able to tell Henry that I had gotten his sister killed!

"I'm fine but we need to get the hells out of here," Amber's disembodied voice floated through the steam, filling me with relief. I squinted my eyes and tried to find her. But still, couldn't see anything. Finally, I picked out a shape coming towards me.

"Why!? What happened?" I asked worried that things were a lot worse than I was perceiving them as being.

I finally could see Amber and I noticed that something was tucked under her arms. It was Arnold and he had on a very sour expression on his usually blank slate of a face. Behind them, at least a dozen and a half clay dolls followed closely behind them and stopped to stand mere inches away from where we stood.

Amber opened her mouth to answer my question but Arnold beat her to it, "They attacked me for no reason. They just wanted to fight my guys I made. So I told my soldiers to kill them all!" he said and even though his face had expression in it, his voice still did not.

"No there was a reason," Amber said her voice was low and full of worry, while she set Arnold back down on the ground "They're attacking because they're terrified of the other elements besides the common four. I haven't been here at camp much, I've been mostly behind enemy lines this entire year, but what I did gage from the times I came back to give my reports was that there was a lot of apprehension about the other elementals. Although I think your dad squashed any action that might have come out of that unease..."

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