marriage (chapter- 18)

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Abhi- actually me and vai are getting married tomorrow as we promised our grandparents that we will do a grand marriage and as they are not
(Vai sensed abhi can't speak more now or he will start sobbing) (so she said)..

Vai- so we are doing court marriage tomorrow and we expect all of you there...

(Avu, reem and jan agreed as they saw abhi slapped fai for vai...and sid, fai and jai even agreed seeing how good vai was)

Next day, (in the court)...

(Abhinavi signed the marriage papers and became official marriage couples...everyone congratulated them ...and then avu said..)

Avu- don't dare to do something with my sisso or I will break your bones and feed it to street dogs..

Sid- we know that you are mafia queen... But that doesn't mean mean that you will only talk about violence everytime you open that stupid mouth of yours...even I am a mafia king but I don't talk about violence everytime ...if it wasn't a marriage then I would have killed you..

Avu- even I would have killed you but I doubt that you will even get place in hell.. I doubt.. By the way, I heard yesterday that you tried to cancel my shipment.. Don't dare to do that or you have to face the anger of avneet kaur nandra....

Sid- then you don't know who is Siddharth nigam, I can kill you in a snap of a second... Should I??

Avu- try it...even I am ready with gun, if I by chance die today..I will take you with me..

(Abhinavi got irritated with their fight and even got scared that what will happen next in order to divert their mind vaistarted conversation and she said)

Vai- did you met Louis carol as per your horoscope reem?

Reem-  no... I wish I could meet him

Abhi- but what if Louis carol is not a good person??

Reem- how can you say like that he is my crush... I can marry him if I get a chance but why will him choose me he already has a lot of fangirls... you guys  know his books carry literary lot of emotion it's like he has done a lot of struggle to become what he is today and I believe he is a very pure hearted person ....I think he is very emotional and he writes his emotions in his book and is the best..

(Jai blushed again)

Thats it for this chapter...

Guys please vote on the chapters ..I will feel motivated..

@Ananya Taranath

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