love is in the air...(chapter - 58)

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The next day everyone woke up and after sometime they went downstairs for Eating breakfast...sid decided not to tell or ask avu about her confession right now but he decided that he will propose today at any cost..

Everyone was having breakfast suddenly reem spoke..

Reem- do u all remember that today is my sangeet or did u all forgot??

Avu- yes..we all do remember..

Reem- great...remember be ready in one hour...


(After having breakfast everyone went to get ready..after sometime sid messaged everyone except avu to meet him in the garden)

(Rits,fainat,abhinavi,jaireem and bhav were Waiting for Sid in the garden)

Abhi why do u think sid has called us here??

Jai- don't tell me has has called us here to confess that he has eaten my pasta which I made yesterday..

Reem- jai can you move on from your pasta..

Jai- I Don't think so..

Bhav- actually I ate that pasta..

Jai- I hate u bhav (dramatically)

Bhav- as if I am your girlfriend..

Vai - can you both shut up..

Rits- may be he called us here to confess his undying love for me..

Jan- good morning rits... How was your dream (sarcastically)

Fai- may be he has married a girl and will show us her face today

Vai- guys..are you done with your assumptions..??

Bhav- and where is avu..

Rits- maybe he has not called her...she even does not deserve to be with us..

Abhi- dare to speak one more word about my sister...

Vai- or I will kill you..

(Suddenly sid enters )

Fai- where is your dulhan(bride)??

Sid- what the hell are you talking about fai??

Abhi- leave this idiot and tell me why did you called us here??

Bhav- and why you did not called avu?

Sid- so... Iloveavneeetandiamgonnaproposehertoday...

(Vai keeps her head on Sid's forehead and says)-

Vai- it does not look like you have fever..

Sid- why..what..?? I am not able to understand anything..

Abhi- can you speak that we are able to understand something...

Sid- ok.. So..I love avneet and I am gonna propose her today...

Reem- what are you saying.. I am very happy..(excitedly)

(Fai becomes that much happy that he kissed sid on his cheeks)

Sid-ewwww fai...what the hell..your girlfriend is watching us..

Jan- I can't Believe I thought you were straight.. But my bf is (fai cuts her)

Fai- please don't complete that sentence and it happened because of excitement..

(Everyone started laughing but Rits was burning with jealousy)

Bhav- congratulations bro.. I am happy for you guys..(he says happily)

(Everyone congrulated him..)

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